Hearts of Iron IV: Cheat Codes and add-ons

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January 20, 2020
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hearts of Iron IV: Cheat Codes and add-ons


Hearts of Iron IV: Cheat Codes and add-ons Free Download

instant national tricks. The code instantly completes any focus as soon as you click on it


Works exactly like the Focus.AutoComplete console command but uses an intelligence agency instead of focuses. The code instantly completes any improvement as soon as you click on it. But you will still need civilian factories to start upgrading.



Your operatives / spies will no longer be detected.

If you want them to be detected write: force_operative_detection



Your employees will complete their operations immediately.

Consider: this command only works for operations that are “in progress”.

Operations that are “in preparation” are not counted by this command.



Your employees will immediately build spy networks as soon as you give the order.



Operators finish training instantly, no need to wait 30 days .



Allows you to try any diplomatic action, but does not guarantee success



AI will always accept player diplomatic offers


annex (country tag)

(for example, “annex USA”)

Append the specified country



Toggles the AI’s ability to perform naval invasions


civilwar (ideology) (country tag)

(for example, “civilwar democracy USA”)

Starts a civil war with the specified ideology in the specified country



Allows you to drop atomic bombs on any province without restrictions


delall (country tag)

(for example, “delall USA”)

Removes all units belonging to the specified country



Disables fog of war



Toggles instant construction on / off


manpower (value)

(for example “manpower 1000”)

Gives a certain amount of manpower (Absence of a parameter value will give 10,000,000)


nu (value)

(for example, “nu 100”)

Gives a certain amount of national unity


pp (value)

(for example “pp 1000”)

Gives the specified amount of political power (Missing a parameter value will give 999)



Includes debug information about provinces (useful for finding country / state tags / province IDs)


research all

Instantly completes all research branches



Click on any technology in the tree to instantly research it


setcontroller (country tag) (province id)

(for example, “setcontroller USA 7622”)

Sets the nation of the owner of the specified province


setowner (country tag) (state id)

(for example, “setowner USA 315”)

Sets the host nation of the specified region



Gives AI control of your country.

The player can watch any country and take over control


threat (value)

(for example, “threat 100”)

Adds the specified amount of threat to your country (leave no value to get 999)



Gives the maximum number of war points in all active wars


wp (country tag)

(for example, “wp USA”)

Provides peace on terms, status quo, with specified country


xp (value)

(for example, “xp 100”)

Gives the specified amount of all types of experience (leave out the value to get 999)


nuke (meaning)

(for example, “nuke 100”)

Gives the specified number of atomic bombs


add_opinion (country tag)

(for example, “add_opinion USA”)

Adds an opinion from / to the selected country



Ignores all focus restrictions


gain_xp (value)

(for example, “gain_xp 1000”)

Add the specified amount of experience to the selected general



Choosing any general trait


gain_xp (trait)

(for example, “gain_xp trickster”)

Adds the selected general the specified trait

Ground Commander Abilities

Old guard (old guard) Commanders gain experience 50% slower

Cunning fox (trickster): 10% increased chance of catching the enemy by surprise (surprise combat event).

Supply Master (logistics wizard): the consumption of supplies is reduced by 25% if the troops are standing and not participating in the battle.

Defense Master (defensive doctrine): Gives troops on the defensive a combat modifier of 10%.

Offensive Master (offensive doctrine):. grants attacking troops a combat modifier of 10%.

Winter War Master (winter specialist): reduced losses in cold weather.

Engineer (engineer): Gives troops a combat modifier + 10% on river crossings.

Assault Master (fortress buster): Gives a combat modifier + 10% when attacking fortified provinces.

Armored Warrior (panzer leader): Troop interaction bonus increased by 10%.

Commando (commando): if troops are left without supplies, penalties are reduced by 20%.


Old guard (old guard) Commanders gain experience 50% slower.

Sea wolf (sea wolf): Submarines gain combat modifier + 10%.

Blockade breaker (blockade runner): Your troops are more likely to get out of adverse combat.

Excellent tactician (superior tactician): Increases the spread out bonus by 10%.

Observer (Spotter): Increases the chance of spotting an enemy fleet by 10%.

Air Force Commanders Abilities

Old guard (old guard) Commanders gain experience 50% slower.

Tactical Bombing Master (tank buster): reduces the proportion of infantry of attacked units by 20%.

Carpet Bombing Master (carpet bomber): Increases the effectiveness of strategic bombing by 10%.

Night pilot (night flyer): night attack + 10%.

Naval Aviation Pilot (fleet destroyer): naval attack efficiency + 10%.


add_equipment (value) (type)

(for example, “add_equipment 100000 infantry_equipment_0”)

Adds the requested amount of the specified type of equipment (Note, the equipment must already be researched and the names are case sensitive)



#### Infantry & Arty ####


#### Infantry ####

add_equipment 100000 infantry_equipment_0 # GW ~ 1918

add_equipment 100000 infantry_equipment_1 # Regular infantry ~ 1936

add_equipment 100000 infantry_equipment_2 # Improved weapons ~ 1939

add_equipment 100000 infantry_equipment_3 # Advanced weapons ~ 1942

#### Support ####

add_equipment 1000 support_equipment_1

#### Motorized ####

add_equipment 1000 motorized_equipment_1

#### Mechanized ####

add_equipment 1000 mechanized_equipment_1 # ~ 1941

add_equipment 1000 mechanized_equipment_2 # ~ 1943

add_equipment 1000 mechanized_equipment_3 # ~ 1945

#### Amphibious ####

add_equipment 1000 amphibious_mechanized_equipment_1 # ~ 1941

add_equipment 1000 amphibious_mechanized_equipment_2 # ~ 1943

#### Anti-Tank ####

add_equipment 1000 anti_tank_equipment_1 # ~ 1934

add_equipment 1000 anti_tank_equipment_2 # ~ 1936

add_equipment 1000 anti_tank_equipment_3 # ~ 1940

#### Anti-Air ####

add_equipment 1000 anti_air_equipment_1 # ~ 1936

add_equipment 1000 anti_air_equipment_2 # ~ 1940

add_equipment 1000 anti_air_equipment_3 # ~ 1943

#### Artillery ####

add_equipment 1000 artillery_equipment_1 # ~ 1934

add_equipment 1000 artillery_equipment_2 # ~ 1939

add_equipment 1000 artillery_equipment_3 # ~ 1943

#### Nebelwerfers ####

add_equipment 1000 rocket_artillery_equipment_1 # ~ 1940

add_equipment 1000 rocket_artillery_equipment_2 # ~ 1943

#### Katyusha ####

add_equipment 1000 motorized_rocket_equipment_1



#### Tanks ####


add_equipment 1000 gw_tank_equipment # Great War Tank

#### Light Tanks ####

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_equipment_1 # Basic Light Tank

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_equipment_2 # Improved Light Tank

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_equipment_3 # Advanced Light Tank

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_destroyer_equipment_1 # Basic Light TD

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_destroyer_equipment_2 # Improved Light TD

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_destroyer_equipment_3 # Advanced Light TD

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_artillery_equipment_1 # Basic Light Art

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_artillery_equipment_2 # Improved Light Art

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_artillery_equipment_3 # Advanced Light Art

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_aa_equipment_1 # Basic Light SPAA

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_aa_equipment_2 # Improved Light SPAA

add_equipment 1000 light_tank_aa_equipment_3 # Advanced Light SPAA

#### Medium Tanks ####

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_equipment_1 # Basic Medium Tank

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_equipment_2 # Improved Medium Tank

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_equipment_3 # Advanced Medium Tank

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_destroyer_equipment_1 # Basic Medium TD

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_destroyer_equipment_2 # Improved Medium TD

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_destroyer_equipment_3 # Advanced Medium TD

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_artillery_equipment_1 # Basic Medium Art

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_artillery_equipment_2 # Improved Medium Art

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_artillery_equipment_3 # Advanced Medium Art

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_aa_equipment_1 # Basic Medium SPAA

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_aa_equipment_2 # Improved Medium SPAA

add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_aa_equipment_3 # Advanced Medium SPAA

#### Heavy Tanks ####

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_equipment_1 # Basic Heavy Tank

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_equipment_2 # Improved Heavy Tank

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_equipment_3 # Advanced Heavy Tank

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_destroyer_equipment_1 # Basic Heavy TD

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_destroyer_equipment_2 # Improved Heavy TD

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_destroyer_equipment_3 #Advanced Heavy TD

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_artillery_equipment_1 # Basic Heavy Art

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_artillery_equipment_2 # Improved Heavy Art

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_artillery_equipment_3 # Advanced Heavy Art

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_aa_equipment_1 # Basic Heavy SPAA

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_aa_equipment_2 # Improved Heavy SPAA

add_equipment 1000 heavy_tank_aa_equipment_3 # Advanced Heavy SPAA

#### Super Heavy Tanks ####

add_equipment 1000 super_heavy_tank_equipment_1

add_equipment 1000 super_heavy_tank_destroyer_equipment_1

add_equipment 1000 super_heavy_tank_artillery_equipment_1

add_equipment 1000 super_heavy_tank_aa_equipment_1

#### Modern Tanks ####

add_equipment 1000 modern_tank_equipment_1

add_equipment 1000 modern_tank_destroyer_equipment_1

add_equipment 1000 modern_tank_artillery_equipment_1

add_equipment 1000 modern_tank_aa_equipment_1

#### Amphibious Tanks ####

add_equipment 1000 amphibious_tank_equipment_1

add_equipment 1000 amphibious_tank_equipment_2


#### Aviation – Ground ####


#### Fighters ####

add_equipment 1000 fighter_equipment_0 # Early Fighter

add_equipment 1000 fighter_equipment_1 # Basic Fighter

add_equipment 1000 fighter_equipment_2 # Improved Fighter

add_equipment 1000 fighter_equipment_3 # Advanced Fighter

add_equipment 1000 jet_fighter_equipment_1 # Basic Jet Fighter

add_equipment 1000 jet_fighter_equipment_2 # Improved Jet Fighter

#### Heavy Fighters ####

add_equipment 1000 heavy_fighter_equipment_1 # Basic Heavy Fighter

add_equipment 1000 heavy_fighter_equipment_2 # Improved Heavy Fighter

add_equipment 1000 heavy_fighter_equipment_3 # Advanced Heavy Fighter

#### Rocket Interceptors ####

add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_1 # Basic Rocket Interceptor

add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_2 # Improved Rocket Interceptor

add_equipment 1000 rocket_interceptor_equipment_3 # Advanced Rocket Interceptor

add_equipment 1000 rocket_suicide_equipment_1 # Rocket interceptor suicide craft

#### CAS ####

add_equipment 1000 CAS_equipment_1 # Basic CAS

add_equipment 1000 CAS_equipment_2 # Improved CAS

add_equipment 1000 CAS_equipment_3 # Advanced CAS

#### Naval Bombers ####

add_equipment 1000 nav_bomber_equipment_1 # Basic nav_bomber

add_equipment 1000 nav_bomber_equipment_2 # Improved nav_bomber

add_equipment 1000 nav_bomber_equipment_3 # Advanced nav_bomber

#### Tac Bombers ####

add_equipment 1000 tac_bomber_equipment_0 # Early Bomber

add_equipment 1000 tac_bomber_equipment_1 # Basic tac_bomber

add_equipment 1000 tac_bomber_equipment_2 # Improved tac_bomber

add_equipment 1000 tac_bomber_equipment_3 # Advanced tac_bomber

add_equipment 1000 jet_tac_bomber_equipment_1 # Basic Jet tac_bomber

add_equipment 1000 jet_tac_bomber_equipment_2 # Improved Jet tac_bomber

#### Strat Bombers ####

add_equipment 1000 strat_bomber_equipment_1 # Basic strat_bomber

add_equipment 1000 strat_bomber_equipment_2 # Improved strat_bomber

add_equipment 1000 strat_bomber_equipment_3 # Advanced strat_bomber

add_equipment 1000 jet_strat_bomber_equipment_1 # Basic Jet strat_bomber

#### Tranport Planes ####

add_equipment 2000 transport_plane_equipment_1



##### Aviation – Naval ####


#### Navy Fighters ####

add_equipment 1000 cv_fighter_equipment_0 # Early Carrier Fighter

add_equipment 1000 cv_fighter_equipment_1 # Basic Carrier Fighter

add_equipment 1000 cv_fighter_equipment_2 # Improved Carrier Fighter

add_equipment 1000 cv_fighter_equipment_3 # Advanced Carrier Fighter

#### Navy CAS ####

add_equipment 1000 cv_CAS_equipment_1 # Basic Carrier CAS

add_equipment 1000 cv_CAS_equipment_2 # Improved Carrier CAS

add_equipment 1000 cv_CAS_equipment_3 # Advanced Carrier CAS

#### Navy Naval Bombers ####

add_equipment 1000 cv_nav_bomber_equipment_1 # Basic Carrier nav_bomber

add_equipment 1000 cv_nav_bomber_equipment_2 # Improved Carrier nav_bomber

add_equipment 1000 cv_nav_bomber_equipment_3 # Advanced Carrier nav_bomber



####### Naval Ships ######


add_equipment 1000 convoy_1



Since these are console commands, there is a good chance that the AI ​​can also use active and non-disabled cheats, keep that in mind. I recommend using (enabling and disabling) cheats while the game is paused to prevent AI from using them..

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