Might and Magic: Heroes 7: Cheat Engine Table (+9) [1.6+: 64 Bit] {Recifense}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Might and Magic: Heroes 7: Cheat Engine Table (+9) [1.6+: 64 Bit] {Recifense}
February 27, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Might and Magic: Heroes 7: Cheat Engine Table (+9) [1.6+: 64 Bit] {Recifense}
Might and Magic: Heroes 7: Cheat Engine Table (+9) [1.6+: 64 Bit] {Recifense}

Description and instructions

Might and Magic: Heroes 7: Cheat Engine Table (+9) [1.6+: 64 Bit] {Recifense} Free Download

1. Download the game.

2. Launch Cheat Engine.

3. Select the process “MMH7Game-Win64-Shipping.exe”.

4. Load the table.

5. Activate the script “[X] <== HoMM VII - v1.6 Steam Script v2.0 AOB", нажав на квадратик слева от надписи.

6. If everything is fine, then the square will be crossed out, and you will see a list of available cheats. You can also use hotkeys (HK), they are indicated in brackets for each cheat. Accordingly switching on and off.

I will dwell on the intricacies of cheats. You can read about them in English in the help and how to get it, read paragraph 7.

The minimum amount of gold is 64,000 units.

The minimum number of other resources is 6400 units.

Endless moves – at least 20 units.

The minimum army size is 100 units in each of the available slots.

God mode – he and Africa god mode. Acts during the battle, like the previous cheat.

Experienced soldiers in battle – all your soldiers in the battle mode have increased base characteristics. More in help, but in English.

Multiple construction (per day) – you can build several buildings per turn in the castle. To do this, just re-enter it.

The rest of the sections are for more fine tuning. I translated them whenever possible, but in order not to spoil the game finally I will not describe them here. If you need to figure it out yourself.

7. If you want to see help about this table, click on the script “[X] <== Информация о таблице и скриптах".

Have a good game.

Transfer Egik81

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