Mount & Blade: Save Editor

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March 1, 2021
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mount & Blade: Save Editor

This Save Editor allows you to edit many values, such as:

Distribution of allotments to Lords / Kings.

Change of faction at the allotment.

Improving relations with lords.

Creating an army and increasing its number.

Adding items to a character’s inventory.

Mount & Blade: Save Editor Free Download

Changing the attributes and weapon skills of the character and others.

Disable the fall of relations with lords when distributing lands to others.

Installation: Unpack the archive to your desktop, or to any place convenient for you.

Instructions: The archive contains a folder and an EXE file. The folder contains the Save Editor itself, MorGHS Editor added to simplify the search for unit IDs.

Open Save Editor, click Import New Save. In the first field, specify the path to the folder with the Game Modules. (If you have an original Warband, the path will be like this: (D: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ MountBlade Warband \ Modules \ Native) if you are playing with a mod, for example Prophesy of Pendor , then the path will be like this: (D: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ MountBlade Warband \ Modules \ Prophesy of Pendor V3.9.3) In the second field, specify the save we need (Path: Documents \ Mount & BladeWarbandSaveGames). Save Editor works with any mods.


Creating an army and increasing its number: First, in the game itself, you need to take the warriors so that the required number of lines for writing appears in the squad window. For example, if you want to prescribe 3 types of warriors for yourself, you must also have 3 types of warriors in the squad window in the game. You can take 3 types of peasants from different villages or by raising lvl create other types of warriors.

Next, in the troops folder, almost from the very beginning, there is a list of soldiers. We find the right one (Example: #52(trp_vaegir_archer Vaegir_Archer where 52 is the warrior’s ID) and remember his ID.

Now go to party_records and open the very first line (player). Find the party file, open the stacks file in it and see as many lines of soldiers as there are types of soldiers + companions the character has.

Open the line of any fighter and see the 2 files we need: troop_id (ID of your fighter) and num_troops (number of fighters). You can find out what type of fighters they are by looking in the troops file. To carry out the operation to create the soldiers you need, you need to use only other soldiers and not touch the companions, otherwise the save will be screwed up (I recommend making a reserve before the machination). We find the necessary group of soldiers and, opposite the troop_id, change the ID of the fighter that you now have on the ID of the one you need. Opposite the line num_troops we put the number of fighters you need. Do not exceed the maximum number of soldiers in the squad, otherwise the game will cut them down to this very number.

P.S. Use MorGHS Editor to find soldier IDs easier.

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