Rage: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Rage: Cheat Codes
March 2, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Rage: Cheat Codes

to enable the console in the Rage.exe shortcut add + set com_allowconsole 1

Rage: Cheat Codes Free Download

do not forget to add a space before adding.
in the game, open the console by clicking on ~ and write:
cvarAdd pm_runspeed (running speed)
cvarAdd pm_sprintspeed (sprint speed)
cvarAdd pm_sprintMaxTime (sprint time, personally 9500 is enough for me at a sprint speed of +400)
cvarAdd pm_crouchspeed (speed on creeps)
cvarAdd vehicle_boostChargeAmount 3.0 (nitro is not infinite, but if you release Shift, it instantly replenishes 100%)
cvarAdd vehicle_birdsView 1 (enable camera top view when driving a car)
cvarAdd vehicle_birdsViewDistance (top view distance, default 1700)
cvarAdd veh_ignoreCollide 1 (the car does not take damage in a collision, no matter what, but when it is shot at it takes damage)
cvarAdd pm_fatalFallDist 10000 (Persian does not take damage when falling from a height, but otherwise is not immortal)
cvarAdd g_playerHealthRegenDelay (health regeneration time. by default 5, if you set -4.9 it will be almost the same godmode, but you can still die, depending on what they will shoot from)

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