Resident Evil 2: Cheat Engine Table (Free Camera, Time Freeze)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Resident Evil 2: Cheat Engine Table (Free Camera, Time Freeze)
March 11, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Resident Evil 2: Cheat Engine Table (Free Camera, Time Freeze)

Resident Evil 2 Remake Free Camera, FOV, Freeze Time, Superspeed / Free camera, angle of view, time freeze, super speed.

Resident Evil 2: Cheat Engine Table (Free Camera, Time Freeze) Free Download

Free Camera, FOV, Freeze Time with Cheat Engine

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Cheat Engine program. It will help us activate a free camera, freeze or speed up the game, change the angle of view.

Installing Cheat Engine 

First, we need to download the Cheat Engine program itself, and install it.

Next, download the table, each game has its own table.
First, launch the game and minimize it. Now open the Cheat Engine and this window will open in front of us:

Resident Evil 2: Cheat Engine Table (Free Camera, Time Freeze)

(1) Click on the monitor icon, and in a new window, select (2) the process – RESIDENT EVIL 2.exe, click Open. 
(3) Open the downloaded ResidentEvil2 Remake.CT table

Controlling table functions

Free camera activation by [Insert] button, turn the mouse to include coordinates.
X = Numpad 4/6 
Y = Numpad 8/5
Z = Numpad 3/9
FOV = Numpad – \+

Time freeze (time does not completely stop, it just goes very slowly) script activation with the [Home] button.
[Page Up] = freeze, [Page Down] = unfreeze 
[End] = speed x2

Camera rotation [F3] enable script [F4] disable script
button control:
Tilt = 0 /.
Pit = / *
Yaw = 1/7

Right Ctrl and one of the buttons increases the camera step

Good luck with making beautiful screenshots!

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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