Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Cheats for all add-ons

Home » Video Game Cheats » Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Cheats for all add-ons
February 24, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Cheats for all add-ons

start the game

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Cheats for all add-ons Free Download

we go either into the original game itself or into the modification
launch any of your saved games
open the console and write
/ developer mode
then close the console and exit the game
go back to the same saved game
and there already / sv_cheats 1 works
well, the rest of the cheat codes in the internet can be viewed
here I will leave only two such necessary
/ god – invulnerability mode
/ give all – all weapons and 999 rounds of ammunition
you can also bind the key to cartridges, for example, you can use the reload key / bind r give all
when you press the R key, the cartridges will replenish themselves and you do not need to waste time reloading
100% works everywhere I think the easiest way

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