The Technomancer: Cheat Engine Table [1.0]

Home » Video Game Cheats » The Technomancer: Cheat Engine Table [1.0]
May 21, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

The Technomancer: Cheat Engine Table [1.0]
No.Functions (English)Functions (Russian)
1Player StatsPlayer stats
1.1Current HPCurrent HP
1.2Max HP (Cant Edit)Max HP
1.3Current FluidFlowing liquid
1.4Max Fluid (Cant Edit)Max liquid
1.7ConstitutionCreation (composition)
1.9PowerPower (Strength)
1.10Skill points spent (set to 0 for infinite skills)Skill points spent (set to 0 for infinite skills)
1.11Talent points spent (set to 0 for infinite talents)talent points spent (set to 0 for infinite talents)
2Maxes any touched item (crafting materials, serum, etc)Maxes any touched item (crafting materials, serum, etc.)
3Can Craft Anything + Inf Materials (cant be used at same time as above)Can Craft Freehand + Inf Materials (cannot be used at the same time as above)

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