Alone In The Dark: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Alone In The Dark: Cheat Codes
January 14, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Alone In The Dark: Cheat Codes

Enabling cheat mode:

Alone In The Dark: Cheat Codes Free Download

Simply write in the game’s command line: ‘wizardmaster’
or ‘WIZARDMASTER’ (no habit). To ect:
ALONE4.EXE wizardmaster
Then, going into inventory you will see a menu with cheats.

Usage of glitch: “Infinite saves”:
Like Carnby, when the scene starts with Edenshaw
(when you left the place). At the end of the scene, he gives you
“charm of saving”.
If you save the same after this, then load
the video will repeat the video and you will get 4 saves again. Repeat
this operation only once a year, and each time you will receive a
4 saves.

Hex cheat:
Open the ceive file _alone4_.XXX.sav in the hex edition.
Remember how many patrons were in the game. I seem to,
that (unlike Resident Evil) every thing has its own
place, and you can find all things by their code, but only through
Search by the number of patrons. Every thing has 4 places.
You should start your search from address 0160 to 01A0 (and may go on).
You can change only the number of boosters, “charms of saving” and
honey packets (not opyzhie and not type of patrons … means if you need
only patrons / medicine kits / additional saves, then you can use this cheat …).

For example: y вac 15 “charms of saving”, look in the file
0f00 in the above space … it’s just.
When you find you can easily change this number to
250 for example (code ff00). A for infinite supply 3e70.

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