Angry Birds: Cheat Codes (levels and gold) [PC]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Angry Birds: Cheat Codes (levels and gold) [PC]
August 21, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Angry Birds: Cheat Codes (levels and gold) [PC]
Angry Birds: Cheat Codes (levels and gold) [PC]

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Angry Birds: Cheat Codes (levels and gold) [PC] Free Download

In folder: (for XP) C: \ Documents and Settings \\ Application Data \ Rovio \ Angry Birds find the file settings.lua and open it with Notepad.
We are looking for lines there
lastOpenLevel =
lastOpenLevelLP4 =
lastOpenLevelLP3 =
lastOpenLevelLP2 =

change the value in them to numbers
lastOpenLevelLP2 = 42
lastOpenLevelLP4 = 45
lastOpenLevelLP3 = 45
lastOpenLevel = 64

All the golden eggs.
In file settings.lua find the line openGoldenEggLevels = {and write in it:
openGoldenEggLevels = {
Level15 = 2,
Level2 = 2,
Level17 = 2,
Level16 = 2,
Level9 = 2,
Level6 = 2,
Level12 = 2,
Level13 = 2,
Level7 = 2,
Level3 = 2,
Level5 = 2,
Level4 = 2,
Level14 = 2,
Level1 = 2,

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