Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag: Save Game (Completed 0%, completed all Abstergo challenges, unlocked all codes and rewards)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag: Save Game (Completed 0%, completed all Abstergo challenges, unlocked all codes and rewards)
February 27, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag: Save Game (Completed 0%, completed all Abstergo challenges, unlocked all codes and rewards)

Author: Sacred Shadow

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag: Save Game (Completed 0%, completed all Abstergo challenges, unlocked all codes and rewards) Free Download

Game: Assassins Creed IV Black Flag

Game version: v 1.01

Files: save in the game

Game progress is 0%, 100 Abstergo challenges are completed, all codes and rewards are unlocked. Everything else is untouched by me.

Don’t forget to back up your files. And one more thing, I do not bear any responsibility for damage, loss or any other harm.

From the author:
I don’t know why it gave up to me, but I spent two and a half hours of my time trying to do it. Some individuals are simply preoccupied with these tests, and everyone simply will not be able to pass them for reasons such as:
 1) Time – it really bothers, but it is possible, but laziness hinders someone.
 2) A pirated copy of the game – some network achievements. It is clear that because of this it will be impossible to pass them.
So I look forward to your comments, criticism or praise..

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