ATLANTIS 2: Beyond Atlantis: Cheat Codes

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February 22, 2024
25 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

ATLANTIS 2: Beyond Atlantis: Codes
ATLANTIS 2: Beyond Atlantis: Cheat Codes
Choosing a Player and Get Into The Snowy World. We Play For The Ten – The Carrier of the Match. The Beginning of Our Path in Tibet. Go Straight to the Magic Ship. Go Down in. Right Take A Triangular Stone. In The Depth To the Keeper of the Crystal. The Menu Will Appear Will With Three Items Indicating The Topic of Conversation. We Choose All Themes In A Row Until The Options Are Completed. THE KEEPER WILL GIVE CRYSTAL. He Will Also Talk ABOUT THE ROAD TO SHAMBALU AND THAT THE CRYSTAL SHOWS. Triangular Stone IS Part of the Road. Next To The Desk We Raise The Second Triangular Stone. In The Corner of the Hammock Lies The Third Triangular Stone. We Go In The Direction of the Portal. To The Right Will Be Keeper. Repeat Your Question ABOUT Traveling. NOW ASK HIM ABOUT TELEPORT. We Take The First Triangular Stone (Right Mouse Button) And Use It On The Bottom Left Of The Teleport (For 7 hours).
Yucatan (CD2)
We Were Reborn in Aztec TEPEK. This Is The Country of Yucatan. GO TO THE BIG PYRAMID TO THE LEFT OF THE BIG PIT. Raise Upstairs. Here Is The Brother of King and The Supreme Priest Jaguar. It Turns of Maisa, The Country The Crumbs of Maisa, The Borders, And the Suitable for the Borders, And the Suitable for the Borders, And the Suitable for the Borders, and the SUPREME GOD CETZALCOATLE – THE PERNATION SNAKE – UNTORTUNATE, HE WEAKENED AND LOST HIS POWER – Chulele. Even The Bloody Sacrifices of the King of the King of the Feather Snake do Not Help. If, During This Day, God Will Not Wake Up, The King Along With His Daughter Will Bring to the Sacrifice of the God Tskatlipok – A Smoking Mirror or God of Jaguar, And The Tribe Will Worship This New Bloody Deity. Talk ABOUT EVERYTHING WITH THE PRIEST AND BROTHER KING. We Go to the Left. IN THE ROOM WILL FIND THE PRIESTESS. SHE WILL GIVE BANDAGES. We Approach The Window and Talk to The Priestess About Everything. Inside The Right of the Hearth We Will Find A Weakened King. Give Him Bandages. Talk About Everything With The King, His Daughter and Advisor. Return to Priestess and Give IT Bloody Bandages. After The Sacrifice, Let’s Talk ABOUT EVERYTHING WITH HER. We Need To Go to the Country of the Dead – Shibalbu and Wake The Sleeping God to Get Its Power. Agree to Go to the Country of the Dead – Saibalb.
Shibalba (CD4)
Here We Meet The God Bat. REMEMBER THREE POINTS ON THE WING OF THE MOUSE. Mouse Sits on the Pole. Talk To Here About Everything. She Will Tell ABOUT THE RAINGE BRIDGE. We Go to the Left of the Mouse. A PUZZLE WITH THE BRIDGE IS LAID OUT ON EARTH. Purpose – To Hold A Little Man on The Path, Gathering All The Colors of the Bridge Across The River. Colors Must Be Assembled in This Order: Purple, Blue, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. To Solve The Puzzle, You Need to Change Certain Squares in Places and Turn Them By The Right Side. First We Make A Permutation: Blue Yellow Water " Capacular Yellow Yellow Green Blue " Blue Empty Green Purple Empty X " Blue Purple Xen Right Mouse Button Turn Squares: Blue – 3 Times, Green – 2, Empty – 1, Red – 1, Orange – 2, Yellow – 3 Times. Now Right-Click on the Square Marked X. We Were On The Other Side, On the Island. GO A Step Forward, Then Another Step to the Right Past Lilac Stones Towards a Tree with Red Leaves. UNDER YOUR FEET WE FIND A STARFISHER. Next Along The Coast. UNDER THICKETS IN A DARK PLACE, RAISE ANOTHER STAR. We Again Go Along The Coast Past The Stones with Red Spots and Will Find A Third Star in A Dead End. Return A Step Back and From Dark Thickets GO Deep ISLAND. NOW STEP TO THE RIGHT ALONG THE RIVER, STU BY MUSHROOMS AND HERE WILL FIND ANOTHER STAR. Go a step forward. Turn Your Back to Big Mumers and Continue to Go Along The River. We Make Two Steps And Behind You Find Another Star. We Continue to Go Along The River. We Make Two Steps and Find The Fifth Star. Two Steps Raise The Sixth Star. GO AHEAD, THEN STEP RIGHT. THERE WILL BE A DEAD EDD AND ANOTHER STARFISH. Return A Step Back and Go to the Right Deep ISLAND. Here You Need to Collect The Constellation USING THE OFFSHORE STARS FOUND. Nearby With A Large Stone Stands a Stone Board With An Empty Base. IT NOT CLEAR HOW TO Collect constellations, So Back to the City of Aztec. To Move, You Need to Specify a Bat of a Bat.
Yucatan (CD 2)
Go to the next pyramid. We Rise Upstairs On The Stairs, Then Even Higher To the Top. Burning Torch IS A Teleport Back to the Keeper of the Crystal. Next To The Torch Is a Pillar. AT The Base, Take A Stone – The Left Obsidian Leg. Opposite The Pillar At The Edge of The Pyramid There Is A Stone Stand. ON HER LID, THE CONSTELLATION IS Drawn, Which Should Be Collected in the Country of the Dead. We Go Inside The Pyramid. On the Bas-Reliefs Depicts Aztec Counting System. IN ORDER TO Descend Below, You Should Correctly Post The Number. The First Number Is The Square of the Bat of the Bat. We Remember That Three Points Saw On The Wing. SO The Faithful Number IS 9. In The Local Record It Will Be: 1 Trait + 4 Points. FURTHER LAY OUT THE SQUARE 9. This Is The Number 81. ON BAS-RELIEFS THERE ARE NEW COMBINATIONS OF NUMBERS. THIS Number System IS 20-Riche. Therefore, The Faithful Number Will BE: 1 Point; 4 Points. AT The Very Bottom, The Pyramids Need to Dial The Square 81, That Is, The Number 6561. In The Twenty Number System It Will Be: 16 * 20 ^ 2 + 8 * 20 ^ 1 + 1 OR 1 POINT; 1 TRAIT + 4 POINTS; 3 Traits + 1 Point. In The Mouth of the Crocodile, Take the right obsidian foot. Reverse Exit is closed. Therefore, Now, According to the Desired Side, Put Both Legs Into The Hole in the Wall Next to the Crocodile. Let’s Go Out. Now Repeat The Entire Route to Pick Up Both Obsidian Legs. Let’s Go Back to the Bat and Ask Her What to do.
Shibalba (CD 4)
THE MOUSE WILL SAY THAT THE ANSWER KNOWS CHUCK. GO TO THE PUZZLE WITH THE CONSTELLATION. Put in the Base of the Stone Board The Right Obsidian Footer (Greater). CONSTELLATION THAT SHOULD BE FOLDED OUT OF 7 STARS LOOKS LIKE THIS: IN THE BASE OF THE PILLAR, WE PUT THE LEFT OBSIDIAN LEG. Let’s Talk to the Tskatlipoch, and then with cetzalcathoral. He Will Give A Pen and Assks to Bring A Skull. We Go to Look for Chuck. Apparently, He Will Help Find The Skull. Go Down to the Water. And turn to the right. Through Three Screens, You Can Go Ashore. Chuck Lives Here – Big Toad. SO HE SPOKE, You Need Some Kind of Bait. Go Down On The Water and Pass Three More Screens.
We Go On The Shore. HERE IS A LARGE WEB WITH CAUGHT SPIDER FOOD. Spider IS Very Aggressive and Just So Pick Up His Dinner Does Not Work. To Deceive Spider You Need to Go to a Breakthrough in a Web and Get Around It On An External Circuit, So That Spener Follow. Be Afraid to Fall from the Edge of the Cob. The Main Thing Is To Have Time to Grab The Prey of Spider and Jump Earlier Than The Spider Will Take It. Caterpillar Will Give Chuck. To Find Out More Information, You Shald Still Feed The Chuck. AGAIN, WE TAKE AWAY THE PRODUCTION OF SPIDER. But Now Mining Is Larger and Guarded Her Two Spiders. To Deceive Them, Make A Circle On The Edge of the Web, After Breaking On The Network Will Miss One Section, Turn to the center for Prey, Take The Prey And Immediately Go Back to the Edge to Jump Down. Take The Grasshopper Chuck. FOR THE THIRD TIME WE GO FOR THE THE PREY. Now Prey Protects a Big Pacheich. To Deceive It To Use The Pen. Immediately Turn to the Hole in the Web, Take the Pen and Go to the Hole. SO FAR, Pouchikha Is Studying The Strange Object Quickly Grab The Sword and We Are AppLied by A Pahup. NOW CALMLY PICK UP THE SKULLS AND GO TO THE TSKATLIPOK. He Will Prepare Chulele and Give IT to Convey to the King of Aztec. RETURN TO THE CITY OF AZTEC.
Yucatan (CD 2)
We Go to the King. For Chulele Priestess Give Us Another Triangular Stone. After That, We Find Yourself in Tibet.
We Second Triangular Stone On The Bottom of the Teleport (for 6 hours).
Ireland (CD 1)
We in Ireland In The Role of Brother Felim. Talk to the Monk Liam. He Will Say You Need to Find Brother Finbar. Right In Front Of US Lies The Book. Above The Book On The Shelf Stands A Glass With Brushes. One Brush Can Be Taken With You. Bending Over The Book, You Can See A Drawing with the History of King Nude. Using A Brush, Get Inside The Book. Talk to the Blacksmith and King. Need to Find Silver Hand and Sword to Defeat Bresa. On the Left of Bresa, The Word Exit Is Written. This Transition Back to Ireland. Use the Brush to Draw the King of the Missing Sword. Let’s Go Back to the King, Take Him A Sword and Talk to Kuznets. NOW WE GO Back to the Chapel. We Leave From The Library and Pass Through the Chapel. Right On The Wall Hanging Tapestry. To the Left of the Tapestry Stands The Shelf With Books. HERE WE WILL FIND A FRAGMENT OF THE SKULL. We Leave From The Chapel. ON THE RIGHT OF THE WALL BEATS THE SOURCE. This Is Teleport to the Keeper of the Crystal. We Leave From The Chapel. TURN TO THE LEFT. Behind The Chapel On The Wall Are Some Risks and Spirals. Go Around The Chapel. ON THE STAIRS NEXT TO THE WELL RISE TO THE ROOF OF THE CHAPEL. There IS Some Object In The Hole, But It Is Not Yet. Let’s Go to the Mask, The Third From The One Who Sits the Monk. Inside Find Kuvshin. We Go Towards Water. AT The Gate Stands and Mice Brother Finbar. Obviously, There IS A Star. WE GO PAST THE BROTHER FINBAR TO THE GARDEN NEAR THE BIG TREE. IN THE GARDEN WE TAKE A PITCHFORK. GO TO THE RIGHT TO THE RIGHT OF THE GARDEN. THEN PAST THE NECK.
Next to the Sheep Between The Stones We Will Find A Fragment of the Skull. Three Steps We Will Fall to Fox. WHEN TRYING TO SOMETHING FOX WILL RUN AWAY. Next, We Go Along The Coast Sevel Steps to The Hives WITH BEES. Middle Ulya Will Find Another Fragment of The Skull. Going Further Around The Island Until We Find An Ancient Crypt. Inside The Remains of The Skull. Obviously IT IS From Him All Over The Island Scattered Fragments. Next To the Crystal To the Right of The Entrance There Is An Obelisk WITH A Cross. On the Other Hand, An Ancient Symbol With a Horse Is Depicted. RETURN TO THE WELL. AT The Well Next To The Chicken We Find The Fourth Fragment of the Skull. We Climb on the Roof of the Chapel. We Use Forks To Get The Subject. INSIDE THE CHAPEL AT THE CROSS WE FIND THE FIFTH FRAGMENT OF THE SKULL. Let’s Talk To A Monk. He Will Give The Key.
ON RIGHT TO THE MONK CELL USE THE KEY ON THE CHEST. We Take A Knife and Parchment. We Go to the Crypt and Collect The Whole Skull. My Head Is Needed to Speak. She Likes Kuvshin. But Something Is Missing. Let’s Go Fill With A Jar of Water from the Source in the Chapel. We Will Ask My Head. She Will Say ABOUT THE HORSE AND A KNIFE. Let’s Give My Head. THE KNIFE WILL BECOME MAGICAL. The Head Will Say ABOUT TREES. Let’s Talk to the Head of King Aylet. Talk to The Monk About the Trees. Show Him Parchment. We Go for A Chapel to Signs on the Wall. Using a Magic Knife, Erase All Horizontal Kids. NOW WE WILL MAKE TWO HORIZONTAL FEATURES AT THE VERY TOP. Next, Click on the Side to Switch The Location of the Dash. Need to Put That SO That They Indicate Left. Next In The Middle Part We Draw Five Horizontal Drops. And Switch Them Into Oblique Position. WE NOW Use a Knife to Spiral. In The Cache Opened, Take A Stick. WITH A STICK WE GO TO THE OBELISK WITH A HORSE AND APPLY A STICK. To Catch The Horse You Need to Have Time to Take A Step to The Right by The Entrance to the Crypt. IT BLOCKS THE PATH OF THE HORSE AND IT WILL BE POSSIBLE TO CATCH. WE HORSE IS CAGHT, WE GO TO THE CRYPT TO THE HEAD. Talk to Ne. Next, We Go to the Water To the Right of the Crypt, Where Pillars Stick Out of the Water. We use Konya Here. Let’s Try to Talk to a man on a tree. He Has a Strange Language. You Need to Hear The Melody, Choose The Right Out of Five Options. IN CASE OF ERROR, THE CROOK. Will Coincide Three Times, Let’s Talk to Fintan. He Will Give A Rod With Which We Will Look for a Crystal Tower. Lose Will Lead to Place Between The Ruins.
Directly Opposite There Will Be a Brain. Apply A Vine In Place in the Ground. Let’s Go To the Appeared WELL WELT A Crystal Tower. INSIDE A HUGE SNAKE THAT IM IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL. Talk to Fintan. WE CAN HELP THE DAUGHTER OF THE BLACKSMITH HERMID. Let’s Return to the Chapel to Talk to the Kuznets in the book about his daughter. Next, Let’s Talk to the Head of King Aylekh. He Will Tell ABOUT THE OLD SUN, Which Can Revive The Goddess Ain. NOW Let’s Talk to the Monk Liam. He Will Give A Cross Brigitt. Ask The Monk ABOUT THE CROSS. We Go to the Chapel to the Tapestry. Hang The Cross Right In Front Of Flying A Red Dragon. THE GODDESS AIN WILL APPEAR TO THE RIGHT. Talk To Here About Everything. NOW WE GO TO THE BOOK AND TALK ABOUT EVERYTING WITH THE DAUGHTER OF THE BLACKSMITH. She Needs Salmon. Come Out Of The Book and Use a Brush to Hermid to Paint Her Salmon. Let’s Return to the Book. Let’s Talk Again with Hermid About the Snake. She Will Give Amuleu Salmon. Skump on the Island to the Crystal Tower. DIVE INSIDE AND USE AMULET ON HUGE SNAKE. WITH A Crystal Tower Come Back to the Book. Talk to the Blacksmith and Give Him A Crystal Tower. We Use the Sword of the King to Get A Silver Hand. Give The King’s Hand and Sword. After the Victory, We Leave The Book and then Go to the Monk. He Will Get a New Triangular Stone.
Now Time to Choose The Next Stone. We Install It In The Left Top Of The Teleport (for 11 hours).
China (CD 3)
WE ARE IN CHINA AS WEI YULANT. Let’s Try to Go Beyond The Temple. The Output Is Guarded by A Shadow. To The Left of the Entrance to the Temple Is The Old Man – Wu Taosha. Let’s Talk to Him About the Shadow Blocking Output from the Temple. We Will Rise To the Steps to the Entrance and Turn to the right. Around The Corner Will Talk ABOUT EVERYTHING WITH SUN TAOSHA. ENTER THE INSIDE OF THE MONASTERY AND THEN IN THE FIRST DOOR TO THE LEFT. Let’s Talk to the Master Lo – The Abbot of the Monastery. I ASK HIM ABOUT THE SHADOW AND TANG YUN, UNTIL ALL OPTIONS ARE Completed. Lo Will Advise to Talk to Wu Taosha. We Go to the Courtyard and Ask The Old Man ABOUT THE WAY TO TANG YUNA AND ABOUT THE TURTLE ROOM. WE GO Inside The Monastery. Let’s Talk to the Abbot of Wu Master. In The Depths of the Monastery Opposite The Room with Chen Taochi, Speaking Wise Thoughts, There Will Be a Door To the Hall With Dragons on the Walls. This Is the So-Called Room Room WITH A POND. HERE WILL MEET WU TAOSHA. He Will Give A Black Turtle and Medallion. Position The Turtle Inside The Circle in the Pond. Do Not Rotate The Circle. Talk to the old man about the turtle and about her way. Turtle Will Indicate Directions. Signs On A Circle and the Position of the Turtle Denote Directions: Ahead of the Turtle Mountain (White Sign), Behind – Plain (Yellow Sign), Right – Pagoda (Red Sign), On The Left – River (Green Sign). If You Look At Any of The Signs, We Will See Four Squares with Different Color Signs. IT Will Show Where to Rotate WHEN DRIVING TO THE HOUSE TIGER: Mountain Pagoda River Plain
That Is, The Turtle Stands On The Diagonal: Face to the Grief and the background to the plain. So, Stand Next To the Turtle At The Green Sign – "Turtle Stands In Front Of The Mountain"; Making A Step Forward – "Turtle Turns to Pagoda"; TURN TO THE RIGHT AND MAKE A STEP FORWARD – "Turtle Turns to the Plain"; Turn to the Left and Make a step forward – "Turtle Turns to Pagoda"; Turn to the Left and Make a step forward – "Turtle Turns to Grief"; Turn to the Left and Make a step forward – "Turtle Turns to the River"; TURN TO THE RIGHT AND MAKE A STEP FORWARD – "Turtle Turns to Grief". Here We Have Reached the House Tiger. The Shortest Way We Go To the Dragon House. To Do This, Look At The Medallion. Dragon Is Drawn in The Top Row on The Left. Therefore, We Go to This Place: Turn to the Right and Turn Again to the Right and Make a step forward. THE DOOR OF THE DRAGON OPENS HERE. We Enter The Room. Left Open The Chests and Take The Rod.
Let’s Look At The Dragon Drawn in Front Of The Chestes. REMEMBER WHERE THE TAIL OF THE DRAGON. We Go to the Square with Four Lamps. We Use Rod On The Lamps, Starting from The Place Where The Tail of the Head. That Is The Red Lamp, Green, Purple and Yellow. IT Will Turn The Wei Into A Small Little Man. Go to The Pond With A Flying Dragon. Go Through The Bridge. Next To Another Bridge on the Left, Figurines and Wallet With Money Will Be Lying. WE Take Them With You and Go Back to the Dragon Hall. NOW YOU NEED TO PUT A WALLET WALLET WITH MONEY AND PUT THE FIGURES IN THE RIGHT WAY. Wallet Put In Front Of The Bridge (Between Green and Purple Lamps). To Check The Correctness of the Alignment of the Figures, You Can Turn Back Into The Little Man. ALL HEROES MUST COME. The Correct Placement Is The Following (In The Same Order, As Lamps Lit): Blacksmith With Anvil With Ax at The Mountain, The Water Porter Near The River, The Cook at the Boiler with a Fire, Traveler at the plain. Reduce Vei. We Take Coins. Talk to Each of the Heroes. In Exchange for Money, They Will Give Discs. BlackSmith Will Give A Disk (With A Wooden Coating) Of a Material That "Gives Rise To Fire, And then It Devours Metal".
From the Warrior We Get A Disc (with a Metal Coating), Which "You Can Process A Tree". PORTER WILL GIVE A DISC (WITH A STONE COATING) from which "Metal Is Born, and then It Destroys The Tree". COOK WILL SELL A DISC (with a Press Cover), Which "Gives Rise To Water, And Then Burns in Water". Travelers Will Exchange On The Disk (with Fire Snake), Which "Sun in Water". RETURN TO THE SECOND BRIDGE. HERE You Need to Attach Discs in Such A Way That The Bridge Falls. To Do This Correct Order Of The Discs In The Form Of A Chain: First What Creates, Then What Destroys. PROPER ORDER FOR THE FIST CASE: "Metal Is Born", "Gives Water", "Proceses a tree", "Breeds Fire", "Sun in Water" Or Disks with Stone Coating, With A Press Cover, With a Metal, With Wooden and With Fiery Coating. For the Second Case, Suitable: "Proceses a tree", "Sun in Water", "Burns in Water", "Devours Metal", "Destroys Tree" Or Discs With A Metal, Fire Coated With A Lid Press, Wooden, Stone Coating.
AS A RESULT, THE SECOND Bridge Falls. GO FURTHER ACROSS THE BRIDGE TO THE GOLDEN GATE. IN THE DEPICTED GATE HUNTER AND FOX. With boom in the hunter. We Pass Through The Gate Into The Dragon. Left on the Wall Puzzle. Consistently Turning Over A Small and A Laree Cloud, Raise The Lower Arms. That There Were No Blunders, IT IS NECESSARY TO FALL INTO PLACE IN THE UPPER CLOUDS, Which Are Viewed Pearls (They Are Visible. Last Release Lever Pearl. ENTER THE DRAGON’S HEAD AND LEFT THE DOOR PUT A JEWEL IN THE HOLE. We Get On A New Island. Go to Home. ENTER THROUGH THE DOOR ON THE FIRST TRY DID NOT SUCCEED. IT IS NECESSARY TO TRY SEVERAL TIMES. Tang Yun Will. Talk with Him. He Needs A Mushroom of Immortality. Go to Hell. In Hell Reigns Terrible Bureaucracy. Talk With A Bull At The Gate. He Will Give Application Form and Say What to do with it. We go to search. FIRST OF ALL IT IS NECESSARY TO FIND A WOMAN WITH A HUMAN FACE. SHE THANKED FOR THE SALVATION OF THE HUNTER AND GIVE TIPS WITH FAN. Then We Go to Collect Stamps In Strict Accordance With The Images On Veere. Officials Also Are On The Ceiling. To Get There You Need to Find A Convex Ladder in the Wall. If The Print Bear Incorrectly, IT IS Possible to Exchange The Spoiled Form A New Bull. WHEN ALL OF THE PRINT WILL BE COLLECTED PROPERLY, THE BULL WILL GIVE THE MUSHROOM OF IMMORTALITY. Exit from Hell. Instead Mushroom Tang Yun Will Lantern. GO Back to the Temple. After Defeating The Shadow, We Returned to Tibet WITH THE Sixth The Triangular Stone.
SET ALL TRIGORAR STONES TO TELEPORT. IN ORDER TO PENETRATE INTO THE CRYSTAL MUST CHAGE CHAMBOLLE. We Go Up the Stairs to the Deck of the Ship Magic. STRAIGHT AHEAD AFT SEND Crystal. This Will Open The Way To Heaven. Further We Moved Into Yucatan to Aztecs (CD 2). Turn Left To The Pyramid Of King. We Pass Three Steps To The Ladder Angle Pyramid and Residential Buildings. Here We Direct The Crystal To the Top of the Pyramid of Tezcatlipoca. This Will Open The Way To the Sun. Return to Tibet (Sacrificial Fire On The Top of the Pyramid of the Tskatlipoki) And Now We Go to Ireland (CD 1). Sit Down On The Horse and Jumping To The Island To Fintan. We Make A Step to The Left And Send The Crystal Past The Tree On The Top of the Ruins. IT Will Open The Sun Over The Sun. Return to Tibet (Source of the Goddess Ain in the Chapel). NOW WE WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO CHINA (CD 3). We Pass To the Golden Gate With A Hunter and Fox. Turn to the Left and Send The Crystal To the Mountain Away. IT Will Open The Path to the Color Galaxy Through The Second Sun. We Return to Tibet (Gong In Front Of The Temple; Next To the Gong There Is a Battle for the Fight). Crystal Was Reborn. The Path To the Shambol Is Ready. We Remember Images on the Stones. WE PUT THE CRYTAL TO THE CENTER OF THE TELEPORT TO MOVE TO THE CHAMBOL.
Shambola (CD 4)
Red Cloths Stand Around With Signs Repeating Signs on Triangular Stones. To Go Through The Panels, You Need to Choose The Right Order. If You Can Return to It Through the Will See That The Stellar System Is Twisted IS TWISTED INTO THE SPIRAL CLOCKWISE, STARTING WITH THE STONE OF IRELAND, THAT IS, WITH NUMBERS 6. Theraefore, We Will Sort The Panels Clockwise (Right), Ranging From This Symbol – Lily With Three Petals – Exactly. The Correct Order: Start With a Lily Symbol With Three Petals, Then To the Right Through One, Then Between These Two. Next Right Of The Closed Symbol, Then Through One, Then Between These Two. We Are in Shamball. We Turn to Another Island, We Wage The Pond and Talk to the Queen of Atlantis Rey Will Be The Options. Let’s Go to the Cherry Tree and Move to Yucatan in the pyramid of the tskatlipoki. Talk to the Keeper of the Pyramid. On the Left of the Wall We Take A Bottle. We Go to the Left and Get Into China. Take the Iron Hand. Come Out Of The Room and Get to Ireland. Take a Lantern With A Dragon. We Go Towards The Tree, Under Which WE Took a Lantern. We Fall Into The Rest Of The King Of Aztecs. TRONE TREE PURE.
Talk to the King’s Daughter. Come Out Through The Hole in the Ceiling. We Get To Ireland In The Watch. Take the Pen. Go to the Far from the Window window. We Get Into The Dragon Room. We Take Stick. Talk to kuznets. Go to the Wall Opposite The Blacksmith. We Fall Into The Country of the Dead. Take the Disc. We Go Towards The Obelisk WITH THE RIGHT OBSIDIAN FOOT. We Fall Into The Crypt King Aylek. Let’s Talk To Head. Left Take Fan. GO UP STRAIGHT ABOVE THE KING’S HEAD. We Fall Into The Head Of The Dragon. Take Chulele. Come Out Of The Head Of The Dragon. We Fall to Chuck. Talk to Him. IN THE DIRECTION OF THE RIVER TAKE MUSHROOM. Go to the River. We Get Into The Chapel in the Chapel. Take The Pearl. We Leave From The Chapel. We Get To the House of Tang Yuna. We Take A Star. We Go to the House. We Get To the Bat. We Take Amulet Salmon. Go to the River. Let’s Fall Into The Book. We Take An Insect. Talk to kuznets. GO TO THE THRONE. Find in Shamball. Take a black turtle. We Go Towards The Island In The Sky. We Fall Into Hell. Talk to the Official. Take the Sword. We Go to The Top Corner To the Left of the Official. I Get Again in the Pyramid of the Tskatlipoki. Now Take Turns to the Library in Ireland. Here Is The Only Place Where Three Outputs: In The Far from The Book Window, in the chapel, in the window Above The Book. WITH THE HELP OF A STAR GO TO THE WINDOW ABOVE THE BOOK. We Fall Into The Ocean to Atlantis.
We Look Around. Wear A Ship On Which We Sailed. Turn Face to the Ship. Next, Turning to the Left, We Will Find The Passage and Go Ahead. HERE WE TURN TOUR TOUR LEFT PAST THE LARGE WALL, UNTIL WE FIND THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE AND GO AHEAD. In This Place Turn to the Right Until I See A Big Gate. We Enter The Gate. To the Right There Will Be a Staircase Down. Left Fallen Column. We Go Between These Directions Along The Columns. Next, Turn Right and Go Ahead. Right Take the Crystal. Come Out of this Room. NEXT TO THE RIGHT OF THE FALLEN FLOWER ALONG THE COLONNADADE. Next Turn With Your Back to a Dark Fragment of the Column. HERE WILL KEEP THE GAME. We Go Ahead. RIGHT THERE WILL BE A BIG Octopus. Quickly Running The Left Mouse Button We Protect The Crystal From The Octopus Tental, So That He Does Not Kill US. NOW LIGHT AND DARKNESS REUNITED.
We Are Again in Tibet. Apply The Crystal In The Center of the Teleport. Follow The Color Galaxy. Fromuel In The Lilac Fog FROM. NEXT TO THE RED SUN. Finally We in Paradise. SO ADAM AND EVA APPEARED. AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER…

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