Behind Enemy Lines 2: Assault: CheatEnable Mod [3.3.0]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Behind Enemy Lines 2: Assault: CheatEnable Mod [3.3.0]
January 23, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Behind Enemy Lines 2: Assault: CheatEnable Mod [3.3.0]
Behind Enemy Lines 2: Assault: CheatEnable Mod [3.3.0]
Behind Enemy Lines 2: Assault: CheatEnable Mod [3.3.0]
Behind Enemy Lines 2: Assault: CheatEnable Mod [3.3.0]
Behind Enemy Lines 2: Assault: CheatEnable Mod [3.3.0]

New and at the moment the latest version of the cheat activation mod for this game!

Behind Enemy Lines 2: Assault: CheatEnable Mod [3.3.0] Free Download

Add money (+1000)
Godmode (includes: immortality (for both vehicles and soldiers), endless run, endless fuel for vehicles)
One-shot kill (for vehicles and soldiers.)
Increased accuracy for weapons + increased range .
Added Soldiers: Sniper, Submachine Gun, Grenade Launcher, Heavy, Fire Tap, Medic, and Soldier with a Rifle.
Adding vehicles: tanks, trucks, and so on, also the ability to create an explosion and remove all added units,

Installation in the Mods folder in the root folder of the game:
if steam version: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ men of war assault squad
if downloaded: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ RETAILER_NAME \ men of war assault squad (well, or on the disk where the game is installed, if not “C”)

The cheat control is simple: in the game, click on Cheats Mod, and choose from 2 submenus: Units (adding vehicles and common soldiers) and Cheats (immortality, money and accuracy with one-shot kill)
Runs on the latest version of the game (2.05.15)


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