Borderlands 2: Table for Cheat Engine 6.2

Home » Video Game Cheats » Borderlands 2: Table for Cheat Engine 6.2
December 30, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Borderlands 2: Table for Cheat Engine 6.2

Borderlands 2: Table for Cheat Engine 6.2 Free Download

Requires Cheat Engine version 6.2.

Borderlands 2: Table for Cheat Engine 6.2

How to install Borderlands 2: Table for Cheat Engine

  1. Pull the script anywhere, if only it is convenient.
  2. Click twice on Borderlands 2.
  3. The Cheat Engine script will open (you don’t need to inject anything anywhere, autoinjection is on).
  4. To the question “This table contains a lua script. Do you want to run it?” answer “Yes to All”.
  5. More details about point 3 – in the script, autoinjection is activated in the game process, that is, it injects itself into the game when it finds it. This is why I recommend running it AFTER you launch the game. Yes, it is possible and BEFORE (you will not be able to click and open the Enable spoiler until you launch Borderlands 2 to the main menu), but then there may be bugs/crashes / non-working scripts or a script completely.
  6. After clicking Enable, the following window will appear: the screen is not mine.

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