Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn: Cheat Engine Table

Home » Video Game Cheats » Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn: Cheat Engine Table
March 13, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn: Cheat Engine Table
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn: Cheat Engine Table
Eye Roll)

+Stealth mode (they don’t notice you, but you will still die if you get too close to them)

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn: Cheat Engine Table Free Download

+Endless ammo
—-> Clip Infinite Ammo
—-> Infinite Spare Ammo
+Rapid fire (makes the gun quiet for some reason, could only hear sounds when you get a bullet for something)
+No Recoil
—-> Save Location (Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + (On Numpad 7)
—-> Go To Saved (Ctrl + (On Numeric Keypad) 8)
—-> Trap Enemies to Spas (Shortcut Ctrl + Number 9)
^ Glitches, sometimes freezes, beware. Additionally, creatures can tend to free themselves at times. ^
—-> View Coordinates
+Set of Stones
—-> Additional Gems To Kill
+Time Scale
—-> Time Scale Value

+Stealth Mode
+Set of Stones
—-> Additional Gems To Kill
* Let’s say you have 100 gems and you kill a pterodactyl, you know those will give you five gems, so if you set “extra gems to kill” say 100, you would end up with 205 gems after the kill. because 100 + 5 + 100 = 205) you can even set the number of negative to take away gems for some reason.
+Time Scale
—-> Time Scale Value

The job is not mine Good cabin boy American did

author: vng21092

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