Cheat Codes for Counter-Strike

Home » Video Game Cheats » Cheat Codes for Counter-Strike
February 27, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Cheat Codes for Counter-Strike

I searched for them for a very long time, but when I found them, my happiness knew no bounds..

Cheat Codes for Counter-Strike Free Download

This is a cool thing.

CommandRightsWhat is he doing…
sv_cheats 1serverAllows the use of cheats.
impulse 102Client / ServerMakes massive amounts of blood. You shoot and everything is in meat with blood – cheat for fans!
r_drawentitys 0 (2)ClientThey say you can see through the doors!
gl_flipmatrix 1???I don’t know what this gives! Let’s find out let’s say!
gl_zmax 0ClientGives transparent walls on some configurations!
gl_zmax 3600ClientBack to the previous read!
sv_clienttrace 9999ServerIncreases shooting accuracy to maximum!
sv_stepsize 9999999999ServerIncreases your stride size and length? and high. (it is convenient when it is very high and not to jump)
sv_airaccelerate -100ServerIncreases / decreases the counteraction of objects on the rendered action!
sv_friction -3Increases / decreases movement speed!
cmd nameClient / ServerFunny! You can change the name of the server from the client computer!
r_dynamic 0Client / ServerThe light won’t go out for you now!
gl_alphamin 1Client / ServerObjects such as curtains on cs_747 or bridges on de_aztec will be invisible to you!!!
givespaceweapon_awpClient / ServerAs I understand it, it gives a St. John’s wort (see dictionary)!
sv_gravity #serverChanges gravity.
sv_aimClient / ServerIncludes sniper homing!
changelevelClient / ServerIncludes sniper homing!
impulse101Client / ServerGives 16000 USD 🙂

[email protected]> AVPmaster

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