To activate the console, find the WarInput.ini file in the game data folder (for example, here [USERNAME] \ Documents \ My Games \ Gears of War for Windows \ Wargame \ Config \ WarInput.ini).
Cheat Codes for Gears of War Free Download
Find or edit the following lines:
ConsoleKey = Tilde
TypeKey = Tilde
MaxScrollbackSize = 1024
HistoryBot = -1
bEnableUI = True
Save the file, start the game.
During the game, open the console with the [~] (tilde) key and enter the codes:
set WarfareGame.Pawn_COGMarcus DefaultHealth 99999 – Health (Marcus)
set WarfareGame.Pawn_COGDom DefaultHealth 99999 – Health (Dom)
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_COGCarmine DefaultHealth 99999 – Health (Carmine)
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_COGBaird DefaultHealth 99999 – Health (Baird)
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_COGMinh DefaultHealth 99999 – Health (Minh)
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_COGGus DefaultHealth 99999 – Health (Gus)
set WarfareGame.Weap_AssaultRifle MaxSpareAmmo 99999 – Get ammunition
set WarfareGame.Weap_Grenade MaxSpareAmmo 99999 – Get ammunition
set WarfareGame.Weap_SniperRifle MaxSpareAmmo 99999 – Get ammunition
set WarfareGameContentWeapons.Weap_Bow MaxSpareAmmo 99999 – Get ammunition
set warfaregame.weap_locustpistol maxspareammo 99999 – Get ammunition
set warfaregame.weap_cogpistol maxspareammo 99999 – Get ammunition
set warfaregame.weap_locustassaultrifle maxspareammo 99999 – Get ammunition
set warfaregame.weap_shotgun maxspareammo 99999 – Get ammunition
set WarfareGameContentWeapons.Weap_Boomer maxspareammo 99999 – Get ammunition
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_GeistGeneralRaam defaulthealth # – Reduce enemy health by # (by default 5000-7000)
set WarfareGameContent.KryllFlock_Raam DamagePerKryllPerSecond # – Reduce enemy health by # (by default 5000-7000)
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_GeistBerzerker defaulthealth # – Reduce enemy health by # (by default 5000-7000)
Attention: Using codes may change your parameters.
Change weapon characteristics.
Edit the parameters of each weapon in the WarInput.ini file, for example for Lancer:
InitialMagazines = 6
CriticalAmmoCount = 10
LastBulletStrongerPercent = 0.75f
PRM_Damage = (Value = (20,21,22,23,24))
PRM_DamageAI = (Value = (20,21,22,23,24))
MagSize = 60
MaxSpareAmmo = 600
PRM_Recoil = (Value = (11,27,24,21,18))
PRM_MinAimError = (Value = (0))
PRM_MaxAimError = (Value = (12,11,10,9,8))
PRM_Range = (Value = (8192,10240,12288,14336,16384))
PRM_RateOfFire = (Value = (850))
AmmoFromDrop = (X = 100, Y = 150)
MeleeAttackDamageMin = 1000
MeleeAttackDamageMax = 1000
bDoMeleeDamageShakes = FALSE
MeleeAttackInterruptedRetryDelay = 2
ReloadDuration = 2.5
AR_PreReactionWindowDuration = -1.0
AR_PossibleSuccessStartPoint = 0.700
AR_SuperSweetSpotDuration = -1.0
AR_SweetSpotDuration = -1.0
AI_BurstFireCount = (X = 8, Y = 12)
AI_BurstFireDelay = (X = 0.8f, Y = 1.2f)
TargetingFOV = 40
bPlayFireCameraShake = TRUE
FireCameraShake = (FOVAmplitude = 0, LocAmplitude = (X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0), RotAmplitude = (X = 45, Y = 22.5, Z = 11.25), RotFrequency = (X = 80, Y = 50, Z = 20), TimeDuration = 0.25, bOverrideTargetingDampening = TRUE, TargetingDampening = 0.5)
bPlayFireCameraAnim = FALSE
bFireCameraAnimLooping = TRUE
FireCameraAnimName = Camera_Recoil_AssaultRifle
Activate all codes at once.
You can apply all codes at once, for this create a file in the Gears of War \ Binaries folder, name it, for example, mod.txt. Write all the code commands in it, for example:
set WarfareGame.Weap_SniperRifle MaxSpareAmmo 999999
set WarfareGame.Weap_Grenade MaxSpareAmmo 999999
set WarfareGame.Weap_AssaultRifle MaxSpareAmmo 999999
set WarfareGameContentWeapons.Weap_Bow MaxSpareAmmo 999999
set WarfareGameContentWeapons.Weap_Boomer MaxSpareAmmo 999999
set WarfareGame.Weap_COGPistol MaxSpareAmmo 999999
set WarfareGame.Weap_LocustAssaultRifle MaxSpareAmmo 999999
set WarfareGame.Weap_LocustPistol MaxSpareAmmo 999999
set WarfareGame.Weap_Shotgun MaxSpareAmmo 999999
set WarfareGame.Weap_AssaultRifle MagSize 999
set WarfareGame.Weap_COGPistol MagSize 999
Now, while playing in the console, enter exec mod.txt and all commands from the file will be activated.