Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars: Cheat Codes
February 22, 2024
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars: Codes
Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars: Cheat Codes
Edit Storm File.INI AND ADD THE FOLLOWING CODES THAT WILL THEN SELECT THE DESIRT CHEAT FROM THE MENU. The Following List Shows The Possible Values ​​of the Menu Items (Each Code Performs One Function)

[FUNCTION] – [Code]:
Cheat Codes for Hercbase:

Get 1 Credit – I’ll BUY THAT FOR A CREDIT
Get 1,000 Credits – Will Work for Credits
Get 10,000 Credits – Mo Money
Get 100,000 Credits – Too Much Wheat
Get 1,000,000 Credits – You May Have Already WON
Get Mega Credits – CUC
REPAIR – AS Good As IT Gets
Technology, Development, Buildings – You Da Man
Buildings – Home Is Where The Heart Is
Chassis – Must Have!
All Technologies – He Who Dies With The Most Toys
Regular Technologies – IT Was Nice While It Lasted

Cheat Codes for Military Operations:

Cure The Selected Pilot – Tarsus
Consider The Selected Technique – IT’s Just A Flesh Wound
Restock Selected Technology – Feel My Wrath
Get Mega Turn-Based Move Points – Fly Away
Get Mega Turn-Based Action Points – Vengeance Is Mine
Kill (One) – Did I Break Your Concentration
Kill (Many) – THAT MUST HURT
Invulnerability! – There Can Be Only One
The Death of All Enemies – Death to All WHO Oppose US
Become Another Player – Freaky Friday
FOG WAR – Let There Be Light V2
Changing Fog War – Let There Be Light

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