F1 2019: Table for Cheat Engine [1.21] {Acido}

Home » Video Game Cheats » F1 2019: Table for Cheat Engine [1.21] {Acido}
February 18, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

F1 2019: Table for Cheat Engine [1.21] {Acido}
F1 2019: Table for Cheat Engine [1.21] {Acido}


F1 2019: Table for Cheat Engine [1.21] {Acido} Free Download

Resource Points // Resource Points

Add to Resource Points // Add
Subtract from Resource Points // Subtract
Set Resource Points to specific amount // Exact Value

Contract // Contracts

Rivalries // Rivalry
Current Team Goal Data // Goal Current. Commands
Contract Negotiation Data // Contract Negotiation
Contract Perks // Perks
Team Reputation Data // Team Reputation
Prestige Level // Prestige Level
Unlimited Contract Negotiation Attempts on / off // Infinite. Attempts to Negotiate

Race: // Race

Engine Performance Percentage // Prod. Engine
Current Engine Wear // Current Engine Wear
Engine Wear Rate // Coef. Engine wear
Grip Level Multiplier // Compression Multiplier
Tire Wear Rate (Player) // Player’s tire wear
Tire Wear Rate (Computer) // AI Tire Wear
Tire Temperature Override // Override Temp. Shin
Tire Min / Max Temperature // Min, Max. Tire temperature
Brake Temperature Override // Override Temp. Brakes
Brake Min / Max Temperature // Min, Max. Brake Temperature
Engine Temperature Override // Override Engine Temperature
Engine Min / Max Temperature // Min, Max. Engine Temperature
Current Fuel Load // Current Gasoline
Fuel Consumption Rate (Player) // Fuel Consumption of the Player
Fuel Consumption Rate (Computer) // AI Gasoline Consumption
Current ERS Level // Current level. Ew
Energy Recovery System (ERS) Drain rate (Player) // The rate at which the player can drain the ERS
Energy Recovery System (ERS) Drain rate (Computer) // Drain rate of the AI

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

Download Cheat Engine from our server you can here.

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