Factorio: Cheat Codes

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3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Factorio: Codes
Factorio: Cheat Codes
To Activate The Console, Press The Tilda Key "~".

Add “X” Resources (X – PUT THE VALUE You Need):
/ C game.Local_Player.INSERT {name = “Iron-Plate”, count = 100} – Iron
/ C game.Local_Player.Insert {name = “Steel-Plate”, Count = 100} – Steel
/ C game.Local_Player.INSERT {name = “Copper-Plate”, count = 100} – Copper

All Enemies Are Killed (Within the Radius of Your Screen):
/ C game.Forces [“ENEMY”].kill_all_units ()

Remove from The Map of All Opponents:
/ C Local Surface = Game.Local_Player.Surface for C in Surface.get_chunks () Do for Key, Entity in Pairs (Surface.find_entities_filtered ({Area = {{c.x * 32, c.Y * 32}, {C.x * 32 + 32, C.Y * 32 + 32}}, force = “enemy”})) Do Entity.Destroy () End End

/ C game.Local_Player.Print (5 * 2)

Check The Coefficient of The Evolution of the Shriders:
/ C game.Local_Player.Print (Game.Evolution_Factor)

/ C game.Always_Day = True

The Game Zoom Reduced:
/ C game.Local_Player.zoom = 0.One

Move The Cursor To Add Resources To The Field and Enter:
/ C game.Local_Player.selected.Amount = 7500

Create A Resource Deposit (“Stone” to “Iron-Ore”, “Copper-Ore”, or “coal”):
/ C Local Surface = Game.Local_Player.Surface;
for y = -2.2 doo
for x = -2.2 do
Surface.Create_Entity ({Name = “Stone”, Amount = 5000, Position = {Game.Local_Player.POSITION.X + X, Game.Local_Player.POSITION.Y + Y}})

Increase The Mining Rate of Pickaxes:
/ C game.Local_Player.Force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 1000

Speed ​​Up Kraft in Inventory:
/ C game.Local_Player.Force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier = 1000

All Technologies Are Investigated:
/ C For Name, Technology in Pairs (Game.Local_Player.Force.Technologies) do technology.Researched = technology.Enabled End

Accelerate The Speed ​​Of The Study:
/ C game.Local_Player.Force.Laboratory_Speed_Modifier = 100

/ C game.Local_Player.Color = {G = 50, B = 200, R = 200, a =.Nine}

Change The Speed ​​Of The Game:
/ C game.Speed ​​= 2

Activate “Peace Time”:
/ C game.Peaceful_Mode = False

Display The Number of Units:
/ C game.Player.Print (Game.Forces.Enemy.get_ientity_count (“Small-Biter”))

Time Meter:
/ C game.Player.Print (“The Game Has Run For” … Math.Floor (Game.Tick ​​/ 60) .. " Seconds.")

Change The Time Of Day (True – Day, False – Night):
/ C game.Always_Day = True
/ C game.Always_Day = False

Dialog Window:
Game.show_message_dialog {text = {“Hello World”}, PointTo = {type = “Entity”, Entity = Game.Player.Character}}

Install a Stable Wind (North, East, South, West):
Game.WIND_SPEED = 2 * GAME.Windspeed
Game.Wind_orientation = 0.125

End of The Game:
.With Game.set_game_state {gamefinished = true, playerwon = true}

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