Inf Health / OneHitKill
Factorio: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 12.10.2019] {Bloodybone} Free Download
-Infinite Health
-OneHitKill Enemies
Inf Vehicle Health
Achievements are allowed
-Steam Achievements are allowed
Get Pointers
–Player Base
–UserName LowerCase
–Player Zoom
–Character base
–CharacterController Base
–GameView Base
–GameRenderer Base
–Factorio.DayTime Base
–Current time
Get Character
-Base Address
–EntitySelector Base Address
–Player Base Address
-Entity Stuff
–Entity Name
-Movement Speed
-Mining Speed Modifier
-Inventory Bonus
-Crafting Speed
-Added Resource reach distance
-Added Reach distance
-Added Loot pickup distance
-Added Item pickup distance
-Added Item drop distance
-Added Build distance
Update Inventory Size / Set Own
-Change Inventory Size
–Added Inventory Size
–Set Inventory Size
—Inventory Size to set
—Set Inventory Size Flag
Get Cursor Stack
-Disable Cursor Stack Check – Disables the Mechanism that checks if your cursor Stack is what it should be. (Thank you HylianZ for making me aware of this “Anti-Cheat” mechanism!)
-Base Address
-Cursor Stack
-Max Stack
-Item ID
Inf Reach Distance
Toogle Admin / CheatMode
-Toggle Admin
Inf Zoom
Teleport to Cursor
-Teleport Flag
Teleport Activation
-Teleport Flag
-Saved X
-Saved Y
Reveal All Recipes
Change Surface Activate Me First
-Change surface
-Surface Name
Find Surface
-Search For Surface
-Surface Count
-Index to Search for
-Name to Search for
-Case-Sensitive Search
-Returned Index
-Returned Name
-Returned Address
Research stuff
-Unlock All Technologies
-Reset All Technologies
Give Item
-Give Item
-Item ID
-Item Name
-Item Count
-Item Health
-Print Errors / Warnings
-Force Cursor Replacement – Force Replacement even if you have no space in your cursor Slot.
Class Pointers
Pointers from Factorio.Global
-Factorio.Surface (Current)
-Factorio.Inventory VTable
-Execute Function By Name
-Print / Convert Item IDs and Names
–What to do
–Item ID
–Item Name
Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.
You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.