Fallout 3: Several new codes (the place where all the game items are)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Fallout 3: Several new codes (the place where all the game items are)
September 28, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 3: Several new codes (the place where all the game items are)

during the game press ~ .

Fallout 3: Several new codes (the place where all the game items are) Free Download

Then enter the codes. The console will be visible depending on the screen.

To unlock a door or save: press ~. Then click on what you want to open and enter unlock.
The game has a place in which all the items from the game are stored. It is guarded by a man, but he does not attack anyone..
To get there, click ~. Then enter coc testqaitems, to exit from there enter coc .
To pass through walls, call the console again and enter tcl

After entering each cheat, press the “Enter” key

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