Fallout 4: Cheat (Batnik with all perks for the character)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Fallout 4: Cheat (Batnik with all perks for the character)
February 4, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 4: Cheat (Batnik with all perks for the character)

Who didn’t want to run a fully pumped character at the beginning of the game? 🙂

Fallout 4: Cheat (Batnik with all perks for the character) Free Download

There are 2 files in the archive. Perkm for a male character, Perkf for a female character. All IDs are manually entered and verified. 

Installation is extremely simple: just drop the desired file from the archive into the root of the game. Then enter the game and enter into the console (default ~) bat perkm (for a male character) or bat perkf (for a female character). 

Have a good game!

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