Fallout 4: Cheat (Unlimited Buildings)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Fallout 4: Cheat (Unlimited Buildings)
March 2, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 4: Cheat (Unlimited Buildings)

Building limit unlimited

Fallout 4: Cheat (Unlimited Buildings) Free Download

Description and instructions

Many players are faced with such a thing as the limit of buildings (restriction on the creation of various structures), this cheat mod is designed to remove the LIMIT and unlimited buildings in the settlement you need


1.Download the archive and unpack the contents to the root folder of the Fallout 4 game (not in Data)

2. Start the game, go to the workshop, look at it.

3.Open the console with the E button (~)

4. Click once with the Left Mouse so that numbers and letters appear in the center of the console

5. We write the following in the console: bat nolimit

It will work only this way, but no one will remind YOU about the mouse click.


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