Game Version: 19.1.1 (19.1.1rc1159619)
Football Manager 2019: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 16.02.2019] {tdg6661} Free Download
Edit Player
- Details
- Reputation
- Contract
- Abilities
- Attributes
- Positions
Edit Club
- Details
- Finances
- Facilities
- Youth recruitment
- Morale
Edit Staff (Experimental)
- Details
- Reputation
- Contract
- Attributes
Edit Competition (Experimental)
- Details
- Reputation
- Colors
Edit Human Manager
- Details
- Contract
- Attributes
- Become Unsackable
- Squad Registration Options
Additional Tools
- Date Converter
- Skin toner
Tips / How To:
I suggest to turn on “Show Unique ID“at game settings. And make a backup before you use the cheats!
- Open Football Manager 2019
- Open Cheat Engine
- Attach to fm.exe
- Load the table
- Go to corresponding Overview Screen with the cheat you want to use. Eg. To get value of Player, go to Player Overview Screen.
- Choose the values you want to change.
- Happy cheating!
![Football Manager 2019: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 16.02.2019] {tdg6661}](
Known bugs:
- Sometimes it shows ????? (needs to be refreshed) in the value so try to Continue the game and go to Player / Club screen again.
- Bans and Injuries cannot be used this time.
- Day of year corresponds to the number of days in a year. (Calendar year = 365; Leap year = 366)
- For the listed values (Eg. Unhappinesses) the lastest known values (not ????) are the newest / lastest events that occurred in the game.
Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.
You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.