Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Phone Cheat Codes)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Phone Cheat Codes)
February 4, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Phone Cheat Codes)

Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Phone Cheat Codes)
Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Phone Cheat Codes)


Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Phone Cheat Codes) Free Download

Cheat Codes from GTA IV in the back.
go to contacts menu and scroll down until you find cheats!
Call to activate!


-Sometimes contacts disappear.
Fix: reload scripts (by pressing“insert” button”)
-In some cases (depending on your story-line progress) there are many spaces between game pins and cheats!
Fix: try decreasing the Sequence number in the settings file
-In some cases (depending on your story-line progress) game contacts and cheats contradict each other!
Fix: try increasing the Sequence number in the settings file!

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