Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat Codes [PC]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat Codes [PC]
February 26, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat Codes [PC]

The character

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat Codes [PC] Free Download

Immortality Code (God Mode) After entering the cheat for immortality, your hero will be invulnerable for 5 minutes, after which the code will need to be entered again.1-999-724-654-5537 (PAIN-KILLER)
Health and armor cheat
The cheat replenishes your hero’s health and armor levels to the maximum.
1-999-887-853 (TURTLE)
After entering this code, the hero will become a little drunk.
1-999-547-861 (LIQUOR)
Explosive hand-to-hand
Enter this cheat and every time your hero hits someone, there will be explosions.
1-999-4684-2637 (HOTHANDS)
Fast run
The hero will start running fast.
1-999-228-8463 (CATCH ME)
Restoration of special ability
Cheat that allows you to fill the yellow scale of special abilities.
1-999-769-3787 (POWER-UP)
Slow aiming
A very good cheat to slow down the passage of time while aiming. You can enter the code four times and each time the time will slow down even more, and the fifth time the slowdown will turn off.
1-999-332-3393 (DEAD-EYE)
Skyfall (falling from heaven)
Immediately after activating this cheat, your hero will fly up to the skies and start falling down. Unfortunately, the parachute cannot be used when falling, so you will have to enter the code for immortality.
1-999-759-3255 (SKY-FALL)

Cheat Codes for getting transport

Get Sanchez
A Sanchez motorcycle appears in front of the hero.
1-999-633-7623 (OFF-ROAD)
Get Buzzard
Attack helicopter Buzzard appears in front of the hero.
1-999-289-9633 (BUZZ-OFF)
Get Garbage Truck (Trashmaster)
Trashmaster garbage truck appears in front of the hero.
1-999-872-433 (TRASHED)
Get Comet
A Comet machine appears in front of the hero..
1-999-266-38 (COMET)
Get Limo Limo
Limo limousine appears in front of the hero.
1-999-846-39663 (VINEWOOD)
Get Rapid GT
A Rapid GT car appears in front of the hero.
1-999-727-4348 (RAPID-GT)
Get PCJ-600
The PCJ-600 motorcycle appears in front of the hero..
1-999-762-538 (ROCKET)
Get a BMX bike
A BMX bike appears in front of the hero.
1-999-226-348 (BANDIT)
Get Stunt Plane
Stunt Plane appears in front of the hero.
1-999-2276-78676 (BARN-STORM)
Get a parachute
After entering this cheat, the hero will have a parachute.
1-999-759-3483 (SKY-DIVE)

Weather change

Weather change
Each time you enter this code, the weather in the game will change between sunny, clear, cloudy, foggy, cloudy, rainy, thunderstorm and snowy.
1-999-625-348-7246 (MAKE IT RAIN)


Raising the wanted level
After entering this cheat, the police wanted your hero will increase. Few? Enter the code again!
1-999-3844-8483 (FUGITIVE)
Incendiary cartridges
The cheat code will cause your victims to ignite as soon as you hit them with a weapon.
1-999-462-363-4279 (INCENDIARY)
Lunar gravity
This cheat code changes the usual force of gravity to that of the moon. Hero jumps will become more prolonged, and cars will be able to hover above the ground after jumping from a springboard.
1-999-356-2837 (FLOATER)
Slow down time
Each time you enter this code, the game time will slow down. Cheat can be entered four times, with the fifth input the time will return to its usual state.
1-999-756-966 (SLOW-MO)
Sliding cars
After entering this code, cars will start to slide terribly. Once in a vehicle, you will not be able to drive even a hundred meters!
1-999-766-9329 (SNOWDAY)

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