Grand Theft AUTO V: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Grand Theft AUTO V: Cheat Codes
February 22, 2024
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft AUTO V: Codes
Grand Theft AUTO V: Cheat Codes
The Character

Code for Immortality (GOD MODE)

1-999-724-654-5537 (Pain-Killer) – After Entering The Reading to Immortality, Your Hero Will Be Invulnerable for 5 Minutes, After Which The Code Will Need To Be Introduced.

Code for Health and Armor
1-999-887-853 (Turtle) – Cheat Code Replenishes The Levels of Health and Armor of Your Hero to the Maximum.

1-999-547-861 (Liquor) – After Entering This Code, The Hero Will Be a Little DRUNK.

Explosive handcap
1-999-4684-2637 (HotHands) – ENTER THIS CHEAT AND EVERY TIME YOUR HERO WILL BEAT SOMEONE, Explosions Will Occur.

Fast Run
1-999-228-8463 (Catch ME) – Hero Starts to Run Quickly.

Restoration of Specials
1-999-769-3787 (Power-Up) – Cheat, Allowing You to Fill The Yellow SCALE SCALE.

Slow Motion
1-999-332-3393 (Dead-Eye) – Very Good Cheat, Allowing to Slow Down The Flow of Time WHEN AIMING. You Can Each Time The Time Will Slow Down Even More, And The Deceleration Will Turn Off for the Fifth Time.

SkyFall (drop from heaven)
1-999-759-3255 (Sky-Fall) – Immediately After Activating This Chita, Your Hero Will Take Off to Heaven and Start Falling Down. Unfortunately, Parachute Use WHEN FALLING WILL NOT WORK, SO YOU HAVE TO ENTER THE CODE FOR IMMORTALITY.


Codes for Transportation

Get Sanchez
1-999-633-7623 (OFF-ROAD) – Sanchez Motorcycle Appears Before The Hero.

Get Buzzard
1-999-289-9633 (Buzz-Off) – Boot Helicopter Buzzard Appears Before Hero.

Get Garbage Truck (TRASHMASTER)
1-999-872-433 (TRASH) – Trashmaster Garbage Truck Appears Before The Hero.

Get Comet
1-999-266-38 (COMET) – Comet Machine Appears Before Hero.

Get Limousine Limo
1-999-846-39663 (Vinewood) – Limo Limousine Appears Before The Hero.

Get Rapid GT
1-999-727-4348 (Rapid-GT) – Rapid GT Machine Appears Before Hero.

Get PCJ-600
1-999-762-538 (Rocket) – PCJ-600 Motorcycle APPEARS BEFORE THE HERO.

Get Bik BMX
1-999-226-348 (Bandit) – BMX BIKE APPEARS BEFORE THE HERO.

Get Stunt Plane
1-999-2276-78676 (Barn-Storm) – A Plane for Stunt Plane Tricks Appears Before Hero.

Get a Parachute
1-999-759-3483 (Sky-Dive) – After Entering This, The Reader Will Appear Parachute.


Changing the Weather
1-999-625-348-7246 (Make It Rain) – With Each Input Of this Code, The Weather in the Game Will Change Between Solar, Clear, Cloud, Foggy, Cloudy, Rainy, Thunder and Snowy.



Rosewear Raising
1-999-3844-8483 (Fugitive) – After Entering This, Chita Will Increase The Search Level Of Your Hero by The Police. Few? ENTER THE CODE AGAIN!

1-999-462-363-4279 (INCENDIARY) – The Cheat Code Will Make Your Victims Ignite Immediately After You Get From Weapons.

Moon Gravity
1-999-356-2837 (Floater) – This Cheat Code Changes The Usual Strength of Attraction To A Similar One That Acts On The Moon. Jumping The Hero Will Become More Protracted, and Cars Will Be Able to Float Over The Ground After Jumping From A Springboard.

Slow Time
1-999-756-966 (Slow-Mo) – Each Time This Code IS Inserted, The Flow of Play Time Will Slow Down. Chit Can Be Administered Four Times, with the Fifth Entry, The Flow of Time Will Return to the USUAL STATE.

Sliding Machines
1-999-766-9329 (SnowDay) – After Entering This Code, The Machine Will Begin to Slide Terribly. Sitting To The Vehicle, You Will Not Be Able to Drive a Hundred Meters!Quick Way to Get A Lot Of Money:

One. Go to the LCN Stock Exchange.
2. Choose Companies From Which A Green Arrow Is Directed Up.
3. We Buy Shares On Half Of Your Money.
4. We Immediately Sell All The Shares WAITING, NOT SAVING.
Five. Carefully Read The Specified Text Below.

IF You Buy Stocks For All Money, There Will Be No Profit.
Do Not Overeat The Plus Card When Buying. If You Overtook The Plus Sign and Scored More Than You Need Or You Accidentally Scored The Entire Amount – Buyy and Sell Stocks. Your Total Amount Will Not Change.
If You Do Not Want Damages Under Any Circumstances, Do Not Press The Minus Button, It Is Better to Immediately Press Cancellation.Codes for – PlayStation 3

This Code Will Make You Immortal, But Only Five Minutes. To Extend The Code, You Will Need to Dial Again.
→, X, →, ←, →, R1, →, ←, x, triangle

Standard of Living and Body Armor.
Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, X, SQUARE, Circle, →, Square, L1, L1, L1

Full Set of Weapons. Entering This Code Will Give You Ammunition: Gun, Automatic, Sniper and Assault Rifle, Pomegranate, Shotgun and Grenade Launcher.
Triangle, R2, ←, L1, X, →, TRIANGLE, ↓, SQUARE, L1, L1, L1

Super Jump.
←, Triangle, Triangle, →, →, ←, →, Square, R1, R2

Triangle, →, →, ←, →, Square, Circle, ←

People for Whom Your Hero Strikes Hands OR Legs To Explode.
→, ←, X, Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2

Super Sprint.
Triangle, ←, →, →, L2, L1, Square

Fast Swimming.
←, L1, →, →, R2, ←, L2, →

This Code Helps Instantly Restore The Special Ability Scale..
X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1, X, →, ←, X

Slow-Motion During Aiming. The Peculiarity of this Code Is That It Can Be Entered 4 Times, And After Each Input, The Time Will Slow Down Stronger. After The 5th Set, The Effect Will Disappear.
Square, L2, R1, Triangle, ←, SQUARE, L2, →, X

Take Off and Fall. After Entering This Code, The Character Takes Off Into The Sky and Starts A Rapid Drop. IT IM IMPOSSIBLE TO USE PARACHUTE. The Only Way to Survive Is to Activate God’s Mode.
L1, L2, R1, R2, ←, →, ←, →, L1, L2, R1, R2, ←, →, →, →

Helicopter buzzard.
Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

Motorcycle Sanchez.
Circle, X, L1, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1

Garbage Truck
Circle, R1, Circle, R1, ←, ←, R1, L1, Circle, →

Racing Machine Comet.
R1, Circle, R2, →, L1, L2, X, X, SQADAT, R1

Cover Duster.
→, ←, R1, R1, R1, ←, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1

Limousine Limo.
R2, →, L2, ←, ←, R1, L1, Circle, →

Racing Super Car Rapid GT.
R2, L1, Circle, →, L1, R1, →, ←, Circle, R2

Racing Motobike PCJ-600.
R1, →, ←, →, R2, ←, →, SQUARE, →, L2, L1, L1

←, →, →, ←, →, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2

ASA Aircraft.
Circle, →, L1, L2, ←, R1, L1, L1, ←, ←, ←, ←, x, triangle

Circle, →, L1, L2, ←, R1, L1, L1, ←, ←, ←, ←, x, triangle

Weather – Order of Change Next: Clear, Partly Cloudy, Fog, Solid Cloudy, Small Rain, Thunderstorm, Snow.
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square

The Ability To Slow Down.
Triangle, ←, →, →, Square, R2, R1

Entering This Code Gives +1 Star To the Search Level.
R1, R1, Circle, R2, ←, →, ←, →, ←, →

Entering This Code Reduces The Search Level For One Star.
R1, R1, Circle, R2, →, ←, →, ←, →, ←

Type This Code, and all the people in Which You Will Fall Will Ignite!
L1, R1, SQADATAT, R1, ←, R2, R1, ←, SQADAT, →, L1, L1

WHEN THE Code IS Activated, The Bullets Released by Your Character Are Exploded WHEN ENEMY.
→, Square, X, ←, R1, R2, ←, →, →, L1, L1, L1

Reduced Gravity.
←, ←, l1, r1, l1, →, ←, l1, ←

The Code Changes The Physics of The Movement Of Cars, Forcing Them to Slide and Go to the Skid
Triangle, R1, R1, ←, R1, L1, R2, L1

Restoring Damaged Machine.
Start, X, Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, X, Square, Circle, →, Square, L1, L1, L1, StartCodes for – PlayStation 4
Codes Work Only in Solitary Mode GTA 5.
After A Set Of Any Code, All Game Achievements and Trophies Will Be Counted

Make a Character of the Immortal – → ✕ → ← → R1 → ← ✕ ᐃ
START THE CHARACTER IN THE SKY – L1 L2 R1 R2 ← → ← → L1 L2 R1 R2 ← → ← →
Fully Restore Special.Character abilities – ✕ ✕ ☐ R1 L1 X → ← ✕
Make a Character DRUNK – ᐃ → → ← → ←
Increase The Speed ​​Of Running The Character – ᐃ ← → → l2 l1 ☐
Increase the Character Swimming Speed – ← ← L1 → R2 ← L2 →
Increase the Height of the Jump – ← ← → → ← → ☐ ☐ R1 R2
Give The Character Exploding Blows in Hand-to-Hand – → ← ✕ ᐃ R1 ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ L2
Enable Slow-Mo WHEN AIMING – ☐ L2 R1 ᐃ ← ☐ L2 → ✕

HEALTH AND BODY HEAD – ⚪ L1 ᐃ R2 ✕ ☐ ⚪ → ☐ L1 L1 L1
Get a Parachute – ← → L1 L2 R1 R2 R2 ← ← → L1

GET ALL WEAPONS IN THE GAME – ᐃ R2 ← L1 → ᐃ ↓ ☐ L1 L1 L1
Get Discontinuous Ammunition – → ← R1 R2 ← → → L1 L1 L1
Get Incered. Ammunition – L1 R1 ☐ R1 ← R2 R1 ← ☐ → L1 L1

Increase The Search Level +1 – R1 R1 ⚪ R2 ← → ← → ← →
LOWER THE LEVEL OF SEARCH -1 – R1 R1 ⚪ R2 → ← → ← → ←
Reduce Gravity In The Game – ← ← L1 R1 L1 → ← L1 ←
Change Weather Conditions (Each Activation Will Switch The Weather) R2 ✕ L1 L1 L2 L2 L2 ☐
Cars Will Constantly Drift – ᐃ R1 R1 ← R1 L1 R2 L1

Sanchez Motorcycle – ⚪ ✕ L1 ⚪ ⚪ L1 ⚪ R1 R2 L2 L1 L1
Motorcycle PCJ-600 – R1 → ← → R2 ← → ☐ → L2 L1 L1
Bik BMX – ← ← ← ← → ☐ ⚪ ᐃ R1 R2
Trashmaster Garbage Truck – ⚪ R1 ⚪ R1 ← ← R1 L1 ⚪ →
COMET CAR – R1 ⚪ R2 → L1 L2 ✕ ✕ ☐ R1
Car Limo Limousine) R2 → L2 ← ← R1 L1 ⚪ →
Car Rapid GT – R2 L1 ⚪ → L1 R1 → ← ⚪ R2
Get Caddy Golfkar – ⚪ L1 ← R1 L2 ✕ R1 L1 ⚪ ✕

Get a buzzard Helicopter – ⚪ ⚪ L1 ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ L1 L2 R1 ᐃ ⚪ ᐃ
Get Stunt Plane – ⚪ → L1 L2 ← R1 L1 L1 ← ← ✕ ᐃ
Get The Crop Duster Plane – → ← R1 R1 R1 ← ᐃ ᐃ ✕ ⚪ L1 L1

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