Graveyard Keeper: Cheat Engine Table (+4) [0.674] {dunenkoff}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Graveyard Keeper: Cheat Engine Table (+4) [0.674] {dunenkoff}
January 24, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Graveyard Keeper: Cheat Engine Table (+4) [0.674] {dunenkoff}

Due to the peculiarities of the Unity engine and this particular game, to activate the cheat, you must first perform the appropriate action – spend energy, trade, put things in the chest and back, etc..

Graveyard Keeper: Cheat Engine Table (+4) [0.674] {dunenkoff} Free Download

If this is not done, when the cheat is activated, the Mono module breaks down on the Cheat Engine and only restarting the game helps.

Graveyard Keeper: Cheat Engine Table (+4) [0.674] {dunenkoff}


  • Unchanging energy (Fixed Energy & Tiredness) – energy does not fall, but it does not grow, fatigue does not accumulate either
  • Endless money (Infinite Money) – Sell or buy anything to upgrade your wallet, money will be locked at 99g99s
  • Maximum tool condition (Max Durability on All Tools) – chop-dig as much as you like, nothing breaks and you don’t need to repair, by chance it also affects the graves
  • Infinite item stacks (Endless Stacks) – transferring items one by one (mouse or right click) clones the item, transferring the entire stack (with shift) – without cloning

The entire table was transferred to the use of Mono-methods instead of aobscan, which greatly increased the speed of feature activation and reliability, energy and money cheats work as expected, and not every other time.

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select Mono – Activate Mono features.
4. Select the option you want, put a cross.

Download Cheat Engine from our server you can here.

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