Home » Video Game Cheats » GTA: LIBERTY SITY STORIES codes [PS2, PSP]
April 30, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer



GTA: LIBERTY SITY STORIES codes [PS2, PSP] Free Download

Press L1, R1, Circle, L1, R1, X, L1, R1 while playing.

Full health:
Press L1, R1, X, L1, R1, SquareL1, R1 while playing.

Increase Wanted Level:
Press L1, R1, Square, L1, R1, Triangle, L1, R1 while playing.

To clear the level of your perceptibility:
Press L1 (2), Triangle, R1 (2), X, Square, Circle while playing.

Perfect control:
Press L1, Up, Left, R1, Triangle, Circle, Down, X during game play.
Note: Press Down to have your vehicle jump.

Change motorcycle wheel size:
Press Circle, Right, X, Up, Right, X, L1, Square during game play.
Repeat code to change tire sizes.
Destroy all cars:
Press L1 (2), Left, L1 (2), Right, X, Square during game play.

Riding on water:
Press Circle, X, Down, Circle, X, Up, L1 (2) during game play.

All cars are black:
Press Circle (2), R1, Triangle (2), L1, Square (2) while playing.

All cars are chrome plated:
Press Triangle, R1, L1, Down (2), R1 (2), Triangle during game play.

All cars are white:
Press X (2), R1, Circle (2), L1, Triangle (2) while playing.

The traffic light is always green:
Press Triangle (2), R1, Square (2), L1, X (2) while playing.

Aggressive Drivers:
Press Square (2), R1, X (2), L1, Circle (2) while playing.

All people have weapons:
Press R1 (2), L1, R1 (2), L1, Right, Circle while playing.

Casual costumes of passers-by:
Press L1 (2), Left, L1 (2), Right, Square, Triangle during game play.

Clear weather:
Press Up, Down, Circle, Up, Down, Square, L1, R1 during game play.

Sunny weather:
Press L1 (2), Circle, R1 (2), Square, Triangle, X while playing.

Foggy weather:
Press Up, Down, Triangle, Up, Down, X, L1, R1 during gameplay.

Cloudy weather:
Press Up, Down, X, Up, Down, Triangle, L1, R1 during gameplay.

Rainy weather:
Press Up, Down, Square, Up, Down, Circle, L1, R1 during game play.

Speed ​​up playing time:
Press L1 (2), Left, L1 (2), Right, Circle, X during game play.

Speed ​​up gameplay:
Press R1 (2), L1, R1 (2), L1, Down, X during game play.

Slow down gameplay:
Press R1, Triangle, X, R1, Square, Circle, Left, Right during game play.

Passers-by attack you:
Press L1 (2), R1, L1 (2), R1, Up, Triangle during game play.

Rough pedestrians:
Press L1 (2), R1, L1 (2), R1, Left, Square while playing.

Pedestrians follow you:
Press Down (3), Triangle (2), Circle, L1, R1 during game play.

Big Head Mode:
Press Down (3), Circle (2), X, L1, R1 while playing.

Get the tank:
Press L1 (2), Left, L1 (2), Right, Triangle, Circle while playing.

Get a garbage truck:
Press Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, Circle, Up, L1 (2) during game play.

Press L1, Down, Left, R1, X, Circle, Up, Triangle during game play.

See the level of attention of the press (media):
Press L1, Up, Right, R1, Triangle, Square, Down, X during game play.

Weapon set 1:
Press Up, Square (2), Down, Left, Square (2), Right during game play.

Weapon set 2:
Press Up, Circle (2), Down, Left, Circle (2), Right during game play.

Weapon set 3:
Press Up, X (2), Down, Left, X (2), Right during game play.

$ 250,000:
Press L1, R1, Triangle, L1, R1, Circle, L1, R1 while playing.

Upside down:
Press Down (3), X (2), Square, R1, L1 while playing.

Upside down (alternative):
Press X (3), Down (2), Right, L1, R1 during game.

Return to normal from inverted position:
Press Triangle (3), Up (2), Right, L, R during game play.

Return to normal from inverted position (alternative):
Press Up (3), Triangle (2), Square, R, L while playing.

Watch the video about the authors:
Press L1, R1, L1, R1, Up, Down, L1, R1 during game play.
if you have a PSP, then press for the place L1 AND R1 L and R.

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