Hearts of Iron 4: Cheat Codes [11.06.2016]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Hearts of Iron 4: Cheat Codes [11.06.2016]
January 17, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hearts of Iron 4: Cheat Codes [11.06.2016]

Press the key during the game [~] (tilde) to show the console window.

Hearts of Iron 4: Cheat Codes [11.06.2016] Free Download

After that, enter one of the specified cheat codes

deltat [X]Changes animation speed
reloadsupply (relsup)Restarting the supply system.
building_health (bhealth) [X] [X] [X] [X]Changing the strength of a building.
combatsound [0-50]sets the frequency of the combat song
nextsongSwitches the current soundtrack song
nopausetextTurn on / off the pause icon to get a more beautiful screenshot.
instantconstruction (ic)Enable / Disable Immediate Construction.
rendertypeSpecifies the type of render to use
tweakerguiCalls the GUI editor
reload [file name]Reloads the specified object
timeShows the current time
particle_editorOpens the particle editor
whitepeace (wp) [X] Make a white peace with selected countries.
analyzetheatres (anth)Finding errors in theaters of war.
massconquer (massc)Tool of Mass Conquest.
aircombat (airc) [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]Launching air combat at a selected location.
deleteallunits (delall)Removing all armies and fleets of the selected country.
teleport (tp) [X]Teleports the selected army or fleet to the selected area.
theatersrebuild (trebuild)Recreates all theaters of war in the world. All orders will be deleted.
frontsToggle visibility of enemy fronts on / off.
traderoutesTurn on / off the visibility of trade routes
allowdiplo (adiplo, nocb)This allows all diplomatic actions to be used regardless of the rules.
debug_nukingAllows atomic attacks on each province without checking conditions.
morehumans (humans) [num]Adding more people
reloadinterfaceReloading the entire interface
 testtool (test) Testing tool.
reloadoob [X]Reloading orders of the selected state.
updatesubunitsUpdating the subunit database
update_loc [localization tag]Updating location tags of localization files
pollDisplays available events
event [event id] [X]Starts the selected event
research [or “all”]Researching a specific technology from a selected research area, or all at once
research_on_icon_clickResearch technology by clicking the technology icon
annex [X]Starts the annexation of a specific state
winwarsSets the maximum number of military points (for all wars waged by the state)
tag [X]Switches control to the specified country
add_opinion [X]Improves relations with the specified country
manpower [X]Adds human resources to the player
testevent [X] [X]Checks an event without calling it
resignRetire the game
add_interest [X]Adding a state to the list of your interests.
remove_interest [X]Removing a state from the list of your interests.
add_diploAdding diplomatic actions.
aiEnable / Disable AI
human_aiEnable / Disable AI for Live Players
ai_invasionEnable / Disable AI
savegameSaves the game.
cityreloadReload cities
errorShow errors in logs
add_core [X]Make a province a national
remove_core [X]Stop counting the province as national
debug_show_event_IDShows event ID
debug_volume [X]Change music volume
moveunit [X] [X]Moves units to the selected province
XP [X]to give experience to armies, fleets, aviation
spawn [X] [X] [X]Creates a unit in the selected province
reloadweather [X]Weather update
civilwar [X] [X]Starts a civil war
gamespeed [0-5]Set game speed.
threat [0-99%]Tension in war.
helphelpDouble rainbow help.
helpPrint all console commands or a detailed description of a specific command.
instant_prepareInstant landing of fleets

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