Press the key during the game [~] (tilde) to show the console window.Hearts of Iron 4: Cheat Codes [24.06.2016] Free Download
After that, enter one of the specified cheat codes
Command | Information |
deltat [X] | Changes animation speed |
reloadsupply (relsup) | Restarting the supply system. |
building_health (bhealth) [X] [X] [X] [X] | Changing the strength of a building. |
combatsound [0-50] | sets the frequency of the combat song |
nextsong | Switches the current soundtrack song |
nopausetext | Turn on / off the pause icon to get a more beautiful screenshot. |
instantconstruction (ic) | Enable / Disable Immediate Construction. |
rendertype | Specifies the type of render to use |
tweakergui | Calls the GUI editor |
reload [file name] | Reloads the specified object |
time | Shows the current time |
particle_editor | Opens the particle editor |
whitepeace (wp) [X] | Make a white peace with selected countries. |
analyzetheatres (anth) | Finding errors in theaters of war. |
massconquer (massc) | Tool of Mass Conquest. |
aircombat (airc) [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] | Launching air combat at a selected location. |
deleteallunits (delall) | Removing all armies and fleets of the selected country. |
teleport (tp) [X] | Teleports the selected army or fleet to the selected area. |
theatersrebuild (trebuild) | Recreates all theaters of war in the world. All orders will be deleted. |
fronts | Toggle visibility of enemy fronts on / off. |
traderoutes | Turn on / off the visibility of trade routes |
allowdiplo (adiplo, nocb) | This allows all diplomatic actions to be used regardless of the rules. |
debug_nuking | Allows atomic attacks on each province without checking conditions. |
morehumans (humans) [num] | Adding more people |
reloadinterface | Reloading the entire interface |
testtool (test) | Testing tool. |
reloadoob [X] | Reloading orders of the selected state. |
updatesubunits | Updating the subunit database |
update_loc [localization tag] | Updating location tags of localization files |
poll | Displays available events |
event [event id] [X] | Starts the selected event |
research [or “all”] | Researching a specific technology from a selected research area, or all at once |
research_on_icon_click | Research technology by clicking the technology icon |
annex [X] | Starts the annexation of a specific state |
winwars | Sets the maximum number of military points (for all wars waged by the state) |
tag [X] | Switches control to the specified country |
add_opinion [X] | Improves relations with the specified country |
manpower [X] | Adds human resources to the player |
testevent [X] [X] | Checks an event without calling it |
resign | Retire the game |
add_interest [X] | Adding a state to the list of your interests. |
remove_interest [X] | Removing a state from the list of your interests. |
add_diplo | Adding diplomatic actions. |
ai | Enable / Disable AI |
human_ai | Enable / Disable AI for Live Players |
ai_invasion | Enable / Disable AI |
savegame | Saves the game. |
cityreload | Reload cities |
error | Show errors in logs |
add_core [X] | Make a province a national |
remove_core [X] | Stop counting the province as national |
debug_show_event_ID | Shows event ID |
debug_volume [X] | Change music volume |
moveunit [X] [X] | Moves units to the selected province |
XP [X] | to give experience to armies, fleets, aviation |
spawn [X] [X] [X] | Creates a unit in the selected province |
reloadweather [X] | Weather update |
civilwar [X] [X] | Starts a civil war |
gamespeed [0-5] | Set game speed. |
threat [0-99%] | Tension in war. |
helphelp | Double rainbow help. |
help | Print all console commands or a detailed description of a specific command. |
instant_prepare | Instant landing of fleets |
- AFG = Afghanistan
- ALB = Albania
- ALG = Algeria
- ANG = Angola
- ARA = Arab Federation
- ARG = Argentina
- ARM = Armenia
- AST = Australia
- AUS = Austria
- AZB = Azerbaijan
- BEL = Belgium
- BEN = Benin-Sahel
- BHU = Bhutan
- BLR = Byelorussia
- BOL = Bolivia
- BOS = Bosnia
- BRA = Brazil
- BRU = Brunei
- BUL = Bulgaria
- BUR = Burma
- CAL = California
- CAM = Cameroon
- CAN = Canada
- GXC = Guangxi Clique
- CHC = Communist China
- CHL = Chile
- CHI = Nationalist China
- CMB = Cambodia
- COL = Colombia
- CON = Congo
- COS = Costa Rica
- CRO = Croatia
- CSA = Confederate States
- CSX = Shanxi
- CUB = Cuba
- CXB = Xibei San Ma
- CYN = Yunnan
- CYP = Cyprus
- CZE = Czechoslovakia
- DEN = Denmark
- DOM = Dominican Republic
- EAF = East African Union
- ECU = Ecuador
- EGY = Egypt
- ENG = United Kingdom
- EQA = Equitorial Africa
- EST = Estonia
- ETH = Ethiopia
- EUS = Euskadi
- FIN = Finland
- FLA = Flanders
- FRA = France
- GAB = Gabon
- GEO = Georgia
- GER = Germany
- GLD = Gold Coast
- GRE = Greece
- GUA = Guatemala
- GUI = Guinea
- GUY = Guyana
- HAI = Haiti
- HOL = Netherlands
- HON = Honduras
- HUN = Hungary
- ICE = Iceland
- IDC = Indochina
- IND = India
- INO = Indonesia
- IRE = Ireland
- IRQ = Iraq
- ISR = Israel
- ITA = Italy
- JAP = Japan
- JOR = Jordan
- KAZ = Kazakhstan
- KOR = Korea
- KUR = Kurdistan
- KYG = Kyrgyztan
- LAT = Latvia
- LAO = Laos
- LBA = Libya
- LEB = Lebanon
- LIB = Liberia
- LIT = Lithuania
- LUX = Luxembourg
- MAD = Madagascar
- MAL = Union of Mali
- MAN = Manchukuo
- MEN = Mengkukuo
- MEX = Mexico
- MLY = Malaysia
- MON = Mongolia
- MOR = Morocco
- MOZ = Mozambique
- MTN = Montenegro
- NAM = Namibia
- NEP = Nepal
- NIC = Nicaragua
- NIG = Nigeria
- NOR = Norway
- NZL = New Zealand
- OMN = Oman
- PAK = Pakistan
- PAL = Palestine
- PAN = Panama
- PAR = Paraguay
- PER = Persia
- PHI = Philippines
- POL = Poland
- POR = Portugal
- PRI = Primorsk
- PRK = People’s Republic of Korea
- PRU = Peru
- QUE = Quebec
- RAJ = British Raj
- RHO = Rhodesia
- ROM = Romania
- RSI = Italian Social Republic
- RUS = Russia
- SAF = South Africa
- SAL = El Salvador
- SAR = Sarawak
- SAU = Saudi Arabia
- SCA = Scandinavia
- SCH = Switzerland
- SCO = Scotland
- SER = Serbia
- SIA = Siam
- SIB = Siberia
- SIE = Sierra Leone
- SIK = Sinkiang
- SLO = Slovakia
- SLV = Slovenia
- SOM = Somalia
- SOV = Soviet Union
- SPA = Nationalist Spain
- SPR = Republican Spain
- SUD = Sudan
- SWE = Sweden
- SYR = Syria
- TAJ = Tajikistan
- TAN = Tannu Tuva
- TEX = Texas
- TIB = Tibet
- TRA = Transural Republic
- TRK = Turkmenistan
- TUN = Tunisia
- TUR = Turkey
- UKR = Ukraine
- URU = Uruguay
- USA = United States
- UZB = Uzbekistan
- VEN = Venezuela
- VIC = Vichy France
- VIE = Vietnam
- WLL = Wallonia
- YEM = Yemen
- YUG = Yugoslavia