Jagged Alliance: Cheat Codes [PC]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Jagged Alliance: Cheat Codes [PC]
February 27, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Jagged Alliance: Cheat Codes [PC]

Cloning items:

Jagged Alliance: Cheat Codes [PC] Free Download

The cheat only works if you are in your own sector.
Save the game by pressing [Alt] + [S]. Choose any item from
your inventory. Load the game by pressing [Alt] + [R].
You will have two selected items, one in your hand, the other in your inventory.

Walk without spending action points:
Move your mercenary as long as his action points
will not become less than the amount required for shooting (but not zero).
Right-click on their image to display
three buttons. Select the reserve points button. Right-click again
click on the image to go back to the game.
The mercenary will continue to walk as usual without any change
his action points.

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