!!!First download the program or ME3Coalesced!!!
Mass Effect 3: Cheats Free Download
(You can download from here)
(The plus of this program is that we work directly in the program window, there are many sections corresponding directly to the files)

Key assignment:
bioinput.ini | sfxgame | sfxgamemodedefault | bindings
How to write functions:
– Immortality (works within the mission) – (Name = “Key”, Command = “God”)
– Sets the maximum number of ammo, grenades and panaceline – (Name = “Key”, Command = “InitAmmo 999 | InitGrenades 99 | InitMedigel 99”)
– Enable instant recharge of abilities (works within the mission) – (Name = “Key”, Command = “EnablePowerCoolDown 0”)
– Disable instant cooldown of abilities – (Name = “Key”, Command = “EnablePowerCoolDown 1”)
– One Hit Kill / Infinite Ammo / Shoot Without Reload – (Name = “Key”, Command = “GiveSuperGun”)
– Sets the maximum amount of fuel – (Name = “Key”, Command = “InitFuel 1000”)
– Sets the number of credits to 1,000,000 units – (Name = “Key”, Command = “InitCredits 1000000”)
– Increase character level – (Name = “Key”, Command = “GiveXP 2000”)
– Add 10 skill points – (Name = “Key”, Command = “GiveTalentPoints 10”)
– Erase 10 skill point – (Name = “Key”, Command = “GiveTalentPoints -10”)
– Sets the “hero” parameter to the minimum – (Name = “Key”, Command = “SetParagon 0”)
– Sets the “hero” parameter to the maximum – (Name = “Key”, Command = “SetParagon 1100”)
– Sets the renegade parameter to minimum – (Name = “Key”, Command = “SetRenegade 0”)
– Sets the “renegade” parameter to the maximum – (Name = “Key”, Command = “SetRenegade 1100”)
Unlock all weapons:
(Name = “Key”, Command = “giveitem self argus | giveitem self avenger | giveitem self cobra | giveitem self collector | giveitem self falcon | giveitem self geth | giveitem self mattock | giveitem self reckoning | giveitem self revenant | giveitem self saber | giveitem self sentryturret | giveitem self valkyrie | giveitem self vindicator | giveitem self carnifex | giveitem self eagle | giveitem self ivory | giveitem self phalanx | giveitem self predator | giveitem self scorpion | giveitem self talon | giveitem self thor | giveitem self claymore | giveitem self claymore crusader | giveitem self disciple | giveitem self eviscerator | giveitem self shotgun_geth | giveitem self graal | giveitem self katana | giveitem self raider | giveitem self scimitar | giveitem self striker | giveitem self hornet | giveitem self hurricane | giveitem self locust | giveitem self shurik giveitem self tempest | giveitem self blackwidow | giveitem self incisor | giveitem self indra | giveitem self javelin | give item self mantis | giveitem self raptor | giveitem self valiant | giveitem self viper | giveitem self widow “)
Heavy weapons:
(Name = “Key”, Command = “giveitem self Cain”) – Cain
(Name = “Key”, Command = “giveitem self BlackStar”) – Black Star
(Name = “Key”, Command = “giveitem self TitanMissileLauncher”) – Launcher “Hydra”
(Name = “Key”, Command = “giveitem self MiniGun”) – “Volcano” geth
(Name = “Key”, Command = “giveitem self Flamethrower_Player”) – М-451 “Tornado”
Changing the set of points and levels:
biogame.ini | sfxgame | sfxgameconfig | levelrewards
(Level = 60 (Level), ExperienceRequired = 121400 (experience required), TalentReward = 4 (points per level for Shepard), HenchmanTalentReward = 2 (points per level for companions))
Inventory values:
bioweapon.ini | sfxgame | sfxinventorymanager
fuelefficiency (default 1.5) fuel consumption
maxgrenades (default 3) max. the meaning of pomegranates
maxmedigel (default 3) max. panaceline meaning
maxprobes (default 30) max. value of probes
Galaxy Map (Reaper Pursuit):
biogame.ini | sfxgamecontent | sfxgalaxymapreaper
m_fscandetectionrange – the rate at which the reapers are ready bar
acceleration – the speed at which the reapers arrive on the map after detection
maxspeed – speed of reapers on the map
Detection radius of Normandy scanner:
biogame.ini | sfxgame | bioplanet | m_fscandetectionrange 60 (default)
We change the strength of the troops at our discretion:
bioui.ini | sfxgame | sfxgawassetshandler | allassets | adjust StartingStrength
biogame.ini | sfxgame | sfxplayercustomization
casualappearances – casual wear
fullbodyappearances – armor suits
fullbodyhelmetappearances – suit armor helmets (to remove a helmet from a suit armor, just remove the unnecessary helmet line)
helmetappearances – head
torsoappearances – bib
shoulderappearances – shoulders
armappearances – arms
legappearances – legs
To unlock the required element, change the parameter in its line PlotFlag on PlotFlag = -1
bioweapon.ini | sfxgamecontent | sfxweapon
Rate of fire – Firerate and minrefiretime.
Accuracy – accfirepenalty, zoomaccfirepenalty maxaimerror minaimerror
Damage – Damage
Capacity – Magsize and Maxspareammo
Recoil – recoil
Penetration – distancepenetrate
Disable weapon reloading:
bioweapon.ini | sfxgame | sfxweapon | ammopershot change 1 to 0
!!!Do not forget to make a backup (copy) of the original Coalesced.bin file!!!