Mechanoids: Known codes (money, objects, rating)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Mechanoids: Known codes (money, objects, rating)
February 7, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Mechanoids: Known codes (money, objects, rating)

To activate the hidden console, press Enter at any base, charging pad, factories, etc..

Mechanoids: Known codes (money, objects, rating) Free Download

* Instead of #, enter the desired number:

1._addobject (#) – Adds any object in the game. (Personally, I think that the mechanoid of the desired name is actually added!)
2._addbalance (#) – Adds the required number of energy crystals.
3._addrating (#) – Adds the specified number of ratings. (Attention, the higher the level of the rating, the more points you need in the rating!)

Example: We want to get 1000 energy crystals. On any database, press Enter and enter _addbalance (1000), and press Enter!!

By the way, it works on all patches: I checked it myself!

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