Medieval 2: Total War: Cheat (Adding all traits and anches to the general / agent)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Medieval 2: Total War: Cheat (Adding all traits and anches to the general / agent)
March 9, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Medieval 2: Total War: Cheat (Adding all traits and anches to the general / agent)

The essence: gives all positive traits and anchi to the general or agent.

Medieval 2: Total War: Cheat (Adding all traits and anches to the general / agent) Free Download

For the lazy who do not want to enter the codes themselves.


1.Start the game

2. Run the TWM2.exe file

2. Choose a general / agent !Required!

4. Press ~ (tilde) (open the command line)(! MANDATORY! Otherwise crash)

5. Press the combination of keys ALT + 1 (not numpad)

6. Watch and wait as traits and anchi are added.

P.S there are two files in the archive

.exe – the script itself 

.ahk – source where you can reduce latency and change (add / remove) traits and anchi.

To do this, you need to install AutoHotkey Script.

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