Men of War: Condemned Heroes: Cheat [1.00.2]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Men of War: Condemned Heroes: Cheat [1.00.2]
February 17, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Men of War: Condemned Heroes: Cheat [1.00.2]
  1. Create a mods folder, copy the CheatsMod folder from the archive path: \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ Men of War Condemned Heroes \ mods.
  2. Launch the game, settings, tab – mods, enable the mod (the game may crash).
  3. !!!!Activation occurs from the beginning of a new game!!!
  4. The mod was tested on the Men Of War version Condemned Heroes.v 1.00.2
  5. Good game!
  6. Version: 4.3
  7. Developer: Whitesnoop

Men of War: Condemned Heroes: Cheat [1.00.2] Free Download

What the mod does?
God ‘mode

– infinite health (transport and infantry (excluding fire and hitting an object)
– endless running
– endless fuel 

instant kill

– one shot kill (infantry)


– increased weapon accuracy (does not work correctly on hard + difficulty)


7 Tanks from heavy to light (russian campaign only!)

7 shooters, machine gunners, machine gunners, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, snipers and engineers!

7 artillery

5 aircraft

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