Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: Cheat Engine Table [4.0.3] {TheyCallMeTim13}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: Cheat Engine Table [4.0.3] {TheyCallMeTim13}
January 17, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: Cheat Engine Table [4.0.3] {TheyCallMeTim13}
  • I2CETState

    Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: Cheat Engine Table [4.0.3] {TheyCallMeTim13} Free Download

    Saves and loads table state (i.e .: what memory records are enabled).
    Uses named states (i.e .: ‘default’, ‘testState’, or ‘SuperCheated’), if no name is given then ‘default’ is used.

    • Save Table State: Default
    • Load Table State: Default
  • Pointers
  • I2CETeleporter
    • Teleport To: Waypoint
    • Teleport To: Last Map Icon Selected
    • Teleport To: Called Supply Drop Point
    • Teleport To: Called Vehicle Supply Drop Point
    • Teleport To: Player Vehicle (Last Driven Vehicle)
    • Teleport: Back
    • All named locations have “Teleport To” save scripts in “Saves” section.
    • Save Location (saves location to local file)
    • Helpers
      • Generate Memory Records (helper script for generating “teleport to save” scripts from saves)
      • Zero Camera Rotation Angle
      • Write saves to file
      • Print Saves
      • Rename Save
      • Read From File
      • Delete Save
  • Time manipulation
    • Sync with Real Time
    • Time Display (Standard & Military)
    • Time scale
    • Time setters
  • Weather manipulation (I only updated this)
  • No Clip
  • Infinite Health
  • Infinite Consciousness
  • Super speed (delta write multipliers)
  • Infinite ammo
  • No Reload
  • Infinite Suppressors
  • Infinite Battery
  • Infinite GMP
  • Infinite Resources
  • Invisibility (I only updated this)
  • Insta Action Hold
  • Baby Chick Hat Hook (I only updated this)
  • Demon Stat Multiplier
  • Heroism stat multiplier
  • Instant Developments
  • Instant Deployments
  • Instant Mother Base Development (I only updated this)
  • Staff hook (I only updated this) Only works with one view type, change “View” in “Staff Management” if addresses don’t populate.
    • Staff Creator (Be the Smoking Whale)
    • Staff Copier (Copies the current selected staff member)
    • Staff Writer (Saves / Reads all staff members (arrays) to / from file)
    • Staff Stats Setter Sets values ​​to hardcoded or custom values, but all values ​​for the selected staff member are set.
  • Staff divisions hook (I only updated this)
  • Stop mission timer
  • Stop Ops Timer (I only updated this)
  • Stop Drug Duration Timer (I only updated this)
  • Weapon Fire Selector (Single shot, Burst fire, and Full auto)
  • Weapon Accuracy Hook
  • Weapon Fire Rate Hook (I only updated this)
  • Iron sights hook
  • Zoom set hook
  • No Turret Heat
  • Combatant – Insta Stuns / Kills (I only updated this)
  • Combatant – One Hit Kills (I only updated this)
  • Combatant – one Hit / Punch Stuns / Kills
  • No combatants wake up
  • Skulls – Insta Stuns / Kills
  • Skulls – One Hit Kills
  • Skulls – One Hit Stuns
  • Insta End Alerts
  • Stun all large animals (I only updated this)
  • No Large Animals Wake Up
  • Large Animal – one Hit Stuns
  • Vehicle Health Dec. Hook
  • Vehicle Acceleration Multiplier
  • Vehicle speed multiplier
  • Tank infinite ammo
  • Tank Fire Rate Hook
  • Tank faster aiming
  • Tank MG No Over Heat
  • Unlocker (Unlocks all developments, emblems, and cassette tapes. Developments will still require staff division level and special staff members to meet requirements.)
  • Emblem unlocker (I only updated this)
  • Text Emblem Unlocker (I only updated this)
  • Rewards Hook (I only updated this)
  • Buddy bond hook (I only updated this)

General Helper Scripts:

  • Fill Health
  • Fill Consciousness
  • Renew Suppressors
  • Fill Main Weapons Ammo
  • Fill Battery
  • +25,000 GMP
  • +500,000 GMP
  • +25,000,000 GMP
  • +50,000 Processed Materials
  • +100,000 Processed Materials
  • +500,000 Processed Materials
  • +5,000 Plant Materials
  • +50,000 Plant Materials
  • +10 Placed Weapons
  • +100 Placed Weapons
  • +500 Placed Weapons
  • +10 Vehicles
  • +100 Vehicles
  • +500 Vehicles
  • +5 Walker Gears
  • +20 Walker Gears
  • +100 Walker Gears
  • +5 Parasites
  • +50 Parasites

Other Features:

  • Auto Attach to process
  • Simple Logger (with levels)
  • Debug Section:
    • Helpers:
      • Print Game Module Info
      • Print Game Module Version
      • Enable Compact Mode
      • Disable Compact Mode
      • Set Logger Level: WARN (Default)
      • Set Logger Level: INFO
      • Set Logger Level: DEBUG
      • Set Logger Level: TRACE
    • All hooks have their own section, check scripts for real hook names.

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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