Metro: Last Light: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Metro: Last Light: Cheat Codes
February 22, 2024
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Metro: Last Light: Codes
Metro: Last Light: Cheat Codes
Alternative Final:
To Get The Redemption Finals (Redemption), You Must Fulfill So Many Good Deeds As Soon As You Can, At the Same Time Kill The Minimum Of People, Such As Soldiers Who Surrendered and Saving Women and Children.
You Also Need to Make Good Actions by Studying The Environment, Or Listening to Stories From Unmanaged Characters (NPC) in Cities Throughout The Subway. You Will Understand That A Good Deed Is Being Done When You See A Short White Flash After Someone Finishes A Story Or Keeping A Person’s Life.

Below IS A List of Some Actions That Cause Strengthing or Loss of Moral Units. If you do not get enough good action you get a bad ending – “C’EST LA VIE”.

Improved Morality:
Be Generous with Bullets
Do Exactly What NPC Instructed
Search for Ammunition Seams in Quarantine
Listening to Dialogue in Settlements (Intelligence)
Listen All NPC Stories
Musical Instruments Game
Salvation of Women and Children
RETURN OF A TEDDY BEAR WITH A Crying Child in Venice
See All Visions in the Dead City
Do Not Kill Surrendering Soldiers
SuccessFully Complete The “Bridge”, without Killing People
SuccessFully Complete The “Factory” without Killing People
SuccessFully Complete The “Revolution” without Killing People

Loss of Morality:
Murder People
Murder of Surrendering Soldiers
Theft in settlements

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