Outlast: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Outlast: Cheat Codes
August 21, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Outlast: Cheat Codes

Outlast – pretty high quality indie horror from Red Barrels that will make you shiver with fear.

Outlast: Cheat Codes Free Download

If you have a weak psyche, or you are a pregnant woman or a pensioner, and go through the game oh how you want, then we suggest using the cheat codes below.

To gain invisibility:
Go to My Documents \ My Games \ Outlast \ OLGame \ Config folder
Open the OLEnemy.ini file with Notepad
Find the lines:

NormalSpeedValues ​​= (PatrolSpeed ​​= 120, InvestigateSpeed ​​= 120, ChaseSpeed ​​= 325)
DarknessSpeedValues ​​= (PatrolSpeed ​​= 120, InvestigateSpeed ​​= 120, ChaseSpeed ​​= 325)
ElectricitySpeedValues ​​= (PatrolSpeed ​​= 120, InvestigateSpeed ​​= 120, ChaseSpeed ​​= 325)

Replace them with:

NormalSpeedValues ​​= (PatrolSpeed ​​= 10, InvestigateSpeed ​​= 10, ChaseSpeed ​​= 10)
DarknessSpeedValues ​​= (PatrolSpeed ​​= 10, InvestigateSpeed ​​= 10, ChaseSpeed ​​= 10)
ElectricitySpeedValues ​​= (PatrolSpeed ​​= 10, InvestigateSpeed ​​= 10, ChaseSpeed ​​= 10)

Save the file

To obtain immortality:
Go to My Documents \ My Games \ Outlast \ OLGame \ Config folder
Open the OLEnemy.ini file with Notepad
Find the lines:

AttackNormalDamage = 21
AttackThrowDamage = 21

Replace them with:

AttackNormalDamage = 0
AttackThrowDamage = 0

Save the file

To increase the charge capacity and the number of batteries:
Go to My Documents \ My Games \ Outlast \ OLGame \ Config folder
Open the OLGame.ini file with Notepad
Find the lines:

BatteryDuration = 150.0
DefaultNumBatteries = 2
MaxNumBatteries = 10

Replace them with:

BatteryDuration = 999.0
DefaultNumBatteries = 88
MaxNumBatteries = 99

Save the file and play

Outlast: Cheat Codes

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