Paraword: Code (resources in the “Rapid battle” mode)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Paraword: Code (resources in the “Rapid battle” mode)
March 5, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Paraword: Code (resources in the “Rapid battle” mode)

The number of points in this mode is limited to a maximum of ten thousand.

Paraword: Code (resources in the “Rapid battle” mode) Free Download

But whatever worries you about resource starvation, you can lower the price per resource unit (food, wood, stone) by doing the following:
1 Go here: C: \ Program Files \ Sunflowers \ ParaWorld \ Data \ Base \ Scripts \ Server \ settings.
Find the NewPointBuyCosts file.
2 At the very end we see the Resources {section. There below are the names of the resources and the unit cost of each (decimal number). We enter in quotation marks (where the value is shown) a number that will be located in the following geometric progression:
1; 0.5; 0.25; 0.125; 0.0625, etc..
The lower the number, the higher the resource cost. The main thing is to enter the NUMBER FROM PROGRESSION
It’s easy to count: divide the previous number by 2 as much as you need.

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