Project Nomads: Cheat Codes

Cheat Method – Modify Savegames
Play A Game, Slot and Remember The Slot Number. In the "X: \ PROJECT NOMADS \ RUN \ SAVE" Directory You Will Find Your Savegames. Open The File Named Slotx.N in NotePad (Where X Is The Slotnumber). THERE ARE A NUMBER OF THINGS YOU CAN EDIT:
Find The Following Lines:
.SetMaxArtefacts X
[Xe the Number of ArteFacts You Can Carry, Works Upto Six, Dunno If You are possible]
If You Look a Little Further You Will Find Something Like This:
.AddChildvehicle "/ WORLD / CLANS / 1 / J_NavigationTower018"
.AddChildvehicle "/ WORLD / CLANS / 1 / J_SILO0115"
.AddChildvehicle "/ WORLD / CLANS / 1 / J_POWERPLANT0112"
.AddChildvehicle "/ WORLD / CLANS / 1 / J_GUNTOWER0219"
.AddChildvehicle "/ world / clans / 1 / artefakttresor0119"
.AddChildvehicle "/ World / CLANS / 1 / J_SCOUTGARAGE0124"
.AddChildvehicle "/ World / CLANS / 1 / OFEN0127"
.AddChildvehicle "/ WORLD / CLANS / 1 / J_GUNTOWER0227"
.AddChildvehicle "/ WORLD / CLANS / 1 / BIGGUN30"
These Are Your Islands Buildings and Their IDNumbers. To make these a little More Powerful, Search for their Building Names.
Example: Searching for "j_guntower0219" Will Show You The Settings of Your Guntower. If You Look Carefully You Will Find A Line Like This:
"j_guntower01" "j_guntower0219" AND A LITTLE FURTHER THIS LINE:
"J_GUNTOWER01 / TURRET" "turret19"
Now comes the editing part:
IN THE TEXT J_GUNTOWER01, THE 01 STANDS FO THE LEVEL OF THE GUN. If You Change This in Both Cases to 03, (J_GUNTOWER03) You’re Gun Will Be a Level 3 (Wich Is the Maximum) Instead Of A Level 1.
The Same Goes for Your Powerplant (Windmill) and Your Silo.Open Folder \ PROJECT NOMADS \ RUN \ SAVE.
Open Conservation File Slot X. Find A Line setcanfly And Next To Write True. THEN FUEL WILL APPEAR IN THE RAN.