Raft: Cheat [Update 8 (3376123)]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Raft: Cheat [Update 8 (3376123)]
January 24, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Raft: Cheat [Update 8 (3376123)]

This mod is designed for normal difficulty and aims to balance the game to be more enjoyable in both single and multiplayer modes.

Raft: Cheat [Update 8 (3376123)] Free Download

Attention: This cheat mod only works with Steam license

Installation instructions:

Unpack the archive: Cheat Mod lies 2 file 

1 – RModLoader

2 – ItemSpawner.dll

1 file RModLoader launch the mod, and the game automatically opens


Raft: Cheat [Update 8 (3376123)]
Raft: Cheat [Update 8 (3376123)]

Next, click Mod Manager be in the second row and in the bottom right corner lies the folder open

Raft: Cheat [Update 8 (3376123)]

and put the second file ItemSpawner.dll click and then from the bottom where you opened the folder click update

Raft: Cheat [Update 8 (3376123)]

put a tick ItemSpawner turn on the outlet press F9 to close the mod window

Next, create a world or load the world, click F8 a window will appear ITEM SPAWNER to create an item, select the numbers 1 to 999 that adding your inventory is simple 🙂


Raft: Cheat [Update 8 (3376123)]

Also works for co-op

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