Resident Evil: Resistance: Cheat Engine Table [2.1] {jjcho849}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Resident Evil: Resistance: Cheat Engine Table [2.1] {jjcho849}
April 21, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Resident Evil: Resistance: Cheat Engine Table [2.1] {jjcho849}

Table by jjcho849 with new features.

Resident Evil: Resistance: Cheat Engine Table [2.1] {jjcho849} Free Download

Nicely done with titles and comments. In this connection, carefully look at what you have included before writing does not work. You need to include those lines where the script is. I checked myself as much as possible.

Resident Evil: Resistance: Cheat Engine Table [2.1] {jjcho849}

In order:


1. Infinite credits per match. More precisely, credits are added when you buy something. Works in a network match.

2. The old script with infinite items, the ammunition is still buggy. Works in a network match.

3. Fast recharge of the “ulta” you need to turn the script on and off for it to work. It does not work in a multiplayer match, it works in training, but there you can set an instant recharge anyway. Why do you need it – nipanyatna 🙂


1. Sets bioenergy to 10. Works in a multiplayer match.

2. Removes the restriction on summoned creatures. The author states that if you call more than 38, the game will crash. Check failed.


1. Changes the number of equipment slots from 15 to 35 survivors and puppeteers. The script does not need to be turned on every time if you play with one build. Works in a network match.

2. At the end of the rink, in any way, add the specified number of points to your score. Despite the comment, 1.500.000 points are written in the script, you see, they made a mistake 🙂 You can edit it yourself by entering the value you need and saving the table.

After reading the author’s forum I will add. At the moment it is not possible to edit RP. Developed fiercely coded meaning. But having pumped, with the help of the script, all survivors and puppeteers by 50+, RP will be enough for everything.

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