Developers Serious Sam: Revolution decided to replace the commands of cheat codes, changing the old ones from the classic Serious Sam, to similar ones from Serious Sam 2, HD and 3: BFE.
Serious Sam: Revolution: Cheat Codes Free Download
To enable cheat codes, enter the command in the console (`)” / cht_bEnable = 1 “.
Cheats must be entered in the form: / cht_bGod = 1 (with a stick at the beginning and exactly before the value)
List of cheat codes:
- cht_bGod – immortality
- cht_bFly – flight
- cht_bGhost – passing through walls, noclip.
- cht_bInvisible – invisibility
- cht_bGiveAll – Get All Items
- cht_bKillAll – kill all visible enemies
- cht_bOpen – open a door with a specific ID
- cht_bAllMessages – open all messages in NETRICSA
- cht_fTranslationMultiplier – speeds up the movement of Sam in the N-th number. Analogue turbo mode
- cht_fGiveHealth – gives a certain amount of health
- cht_fGiveArmor – gives a certain amount of armor
- cht_fLifetimeRocket – rockets “lifetime” *
- cht_fLifetimeGrenade – grenade “life” time *
- cht_fLifetimeCannon – core lifetime *
- cht_bRefresh – Restores health to max. meaning
- cht_bInfinityAmmo – Infinite Ammo
- cht_iGoToMarker – transition to a specific marker
To disable cheat codes, you must write ” / cht_bEnable = 0 “and restart the level or start a new one.
Attention! Cheat codes do not allow you to enter the leaderboard as long as they are enabled, so do not forget to disable them.
* changes the amount of time how much a projectile (rocket, SBC core or grenade) will not explode until it hits the target.