Game version: 1.07
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter: Cheat Engine Table [1.07 Classic] Free Download
Table capabilities:
One hit ko
Max / Inf Ammo
Epic score
Please Kill All [Shift + X]
Please Ghost [Shift + C]
Please Give All [Shift + V}
Notes from the author Pretzal:
If you use the infinite ammo script with infinite ammo set under network game, the game will crash.
One hit ko applies to bridges. Just take it slow and kill everything first.
For some reason the one hit ko wont work on the bug boss.
If you freeze any pointer turn it off before level switch as it has a chance to crash.
Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the game process.
3. Put a cross in the first checkbox.
4. Select the option you want, put a cross.
You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.