Slime Rancher: Cheat Engine Table [1.0.3b] {Bloodybone} Free Download
Inf Energy – Infinite Energy before activating lose Energy
Inf Health – Infinite Health before activating lose Health
No Radiactivity – No Radiactivity from Rad Slimes
Find Player Stuff
-NewBucks (Currency)
-Current Energy
-Current health
-Current radiation
-Current gamemode -???
-Max Ammo – Max Items you can have in an Container
-Max Health
-Max Energy
-Max Radiation
-Rad Damage – Damage a Rad Slime does
-Energy recovered per Second
-Health Revovered per Second
-Energy Recovery Delay – Delay after Energy Recovers Tipp: Setting it to 0 lets you have inf Energy
-Currency ever collected
-Fast Foreward? -Fast forwards time (You cant open the Menu until it is off)
-Stop Time? – Stops Time
-World Time – Total Time Spent in the World (Setting it to 0 sets the time to day 1 and 00:00)
-Water is Magical? – Is the Water Magical?
Find Container Base (Hover over the Container) -Hover over the Container you want to edit
-Item Count
-Item ID -Pastebin Link For ID List
Find Coordinates // Don’t use with everywhere Is Ground!
Teleport Activation -You sometimes have to move to get teleportet. The best way is to hold the Teleport to Save hotkey down until you get teleported
– Save Location – Saves the Location -Hotkey Numpad 1
-Teleport to Save – Teleports you to the saved Location -Hotkey Numpad 2
Everywhere Is Ground – You can walk everywhere. Very usful with Y-Pos. But You can’t run or jump in that state! // Don’t use with Find Coordinates!
Find Market Base (Shoot in the Plort you wan’t to edit)
-Base Value
-Current Value – The Value you get for selling the Plort (Won’t show up on the Market but you get the Newbucks / Every day changes adresses)
-Previous Value – The Value it was worth last day
-Full Saturation
Tarrs Activate Me First – Before Activating a Tarr has to spawn
-Kill all Tarrs Instantly
-Tarrs have Godmode against Water
Find movement stuff
-Jump Height – How high you can Jump
-Backwards Speed - The speed you can walk backwards
-Walking Speed - Set it to whatever you want and Lock it
Gordo Explode on one Food -Activate it and Shoot a Gordo with something it likes an it Explodes instantly – Before activating Give an Gordo something to eat
Inf AirNet – The AirNet has infinite durability – Before activating the AirNet has to get damaged!
Market Set – After the Script is activated set whatever you want all the plorts sell for at the New Plort Value and sleep. If you wan’t them to go back to normal deactivate the script and sleep again.
-New plort value
Set slime hunger value
-Hunger value to set
Inf Drone Battery
No Fabricator requirement
Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.
You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.