Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3: Cheat (MrMuzzle’s cheat mod 1.2)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3: Cheat (MrMuzzle’s cheat mod 1.2)
January 21, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3: Cheat (MrMuzzle’s cheat mod 1.2)

The mod is made on the basis of a repack from qoob v1.02

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3: Cheat (MrMuzzle’s cheat mod 1.2) Free Download

Replace the Scripts.p3.pak archive from the GameSDK folder,
PRE-BACKUP, archive from Default OR Safari folders.

Archive GameData.p3.pak (BACKUP!) Immediately gives in hands at the beginning of Act1 and Act2 (in the cave with Lida):
SR25, sight 4-14-24-34, magazine 30, 120 rounds
HER-Steel + collimator, silencer, etc. … 150 rounds (full ammunition, after pumping, the same 360)
H&K Mk23 Socom + collimator, muffler.
Drone is also available in the cave.

Reduced stores: Glock again 18, Colt-rail 12.
All other buns according to the list in1.01
After a couple of missions, get the bulk of sniper camo, Glock, Polish PKM, drone modifications.
Mufflers for colt, sv98, sr25, ak, m110, dragunov, pkm, gloka – eternal.
The drone flies further (even further), higher, longer, you no longer need battery upgrades.

Difference between Default and Safari
In Default, difficulty and growth by skills are the same as in the original
In Safari, the difficulty is below the plinth, skills grow much faster, give more

Special thanks condrosgood advice and simplification of work

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