Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]
January 21, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]

the mod will give immediately from the beginning of the game to build 5 buildings divided into their functions (we look at the screens where it is clear) ON KOPM – AI BUILDINGS ARE NOT EXTENDED; only the player can build

Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1] Free Download

RABOTa-i-DoMA —- will give housing, work to everyone, stability, reduce crime. THIS AND ONLY THIS BUILDING IS WORTH BUILDING ON EACH PLANET OF YOUR EMPIRE  

STROITELSTVO — fast construction of buildings, fleets, megastructures. BUILD ONCE AFFECTS THE WHOLE EMPIRE (if you build 2 or more times, the values ​​go to minus)

RESURSI — all resources are clear here. BUILD ONCE WORKS FOR THE WHOLE EMPIRE

NAUKA is a quick exploration of almost everything. BUILD ONCE WORKS FOR THE WHOLE EMPIRE

MEGAIMPERIA is a strong army, an immortal leader, the size of an empire and space bases. BUILD ONCE WORKS FOR THE WHOLE EMPIRE

Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]
Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]
Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]
Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]
Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]

also the mod will give an engine and a computer for a defensive platform

Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]
Stellaris: Cheat (Divine Technologies) [2.6.1]

installation – drop it into the game folder (delete the old mod files if installed) 

P S. Thanks for the mod tests – RolanTB , No_No , Rusgamer9512 

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