Surviving Mars: Cheat (Expanded Cheat Menu v12.5 Test and GhoGGi’s Library v5.5 Test)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Surviving Mars: Cheat (Expanded Cheat Menu v12.5 Test and GhoGGi’s Library v5.5 Test)
January 23, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Surviving Mars: Cheat (Expanded Cheat Menu v12.5 Test and GhoGGi’s Library v5.5 Test)

Installation: upload the contents of the archive to% AppData% \ Surviving Mars \ Mods (If there is no Mods folder, create it yourself)

Surviving Mars: Cheat (Expanded Cheat Menu v12.5 Test and GhoGGi’s Library v5.5 Test) Free Download

You can enable mods in the main menu.

P.S: I’m not doing the translation.


F2: Toggle the cheats menu (Ctrl-F2 to toggle cheats panel). F3: Set object opacity. F4: Open object examiner (Shift-F4 for area). F5: Open object manipulator (or use Tools> Edit obj in Examine). F6: Change building color (Shift-F6 or Ctrl-F6 to apply random / default). F7: Toggle using last building orientation. F9: Clear the console log. Enter or Tilde: Show the console. Ctrl + F: Fill resource of object. Number keys: Toggle build menu (Shift- * Num for menus above 10). Ctrl-Alt-Shift-R: Opens console and places "restart" in it. Ctrl-Space: Opens placement mode with the last built object. Ctrl-Shift-Space: Opens placement mode with selected object (works with deposits). Ctrl-Alt-Shift-D: Delete object (select multiple objects in editor and use this to delete them all). Shift-Q: Clone selected object to mouse position. Ctrl-Shift-T: Terrain Editor Mode (manipulate / paint ground). 

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