Terraria: Table for Cheat Engine (+9) [] {LIRW / GHL} Free Download
Endless items.
Infinite mana.
Infinite oxygen.
Super jump.
No damage from falling from a height, otherwise he will hurt himself from a big jump.
Compass. – it shows time, location and so on.
Super melee strike speed.
Weapon generator – the video will show how to use it.
The version of the game GOG + RUS and STEAM + RUS – the Russifier must be installed exactly the one that comes with the table in the archive – this is the latest and complete version at this time … And do not update the Russifier, that is, disconnect it from future updates … Since it is not known what it will update there and the table most likely will not work.
To activate the main script, it takes 15 seconds – they are signed and divided among themselves.
To generate any weapon, you need to activate the main script and put it in the fourth slot, which one does not come at the very bottom in the table, in the address – we already change the number and try. 29 in my opinion is dynamite 🙂 we start with 1 and add the value.
Here is a video, it shows approximately what and how to do – I apologize for the music, I kind of turned it down, but that’s how it came out 🙁
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